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     "Come on, Luna, we have to wait in line quickly, there's too much people," Jackson rushes.
"Okay okay," I slowly tear my eyes away from my mysterious friends. We wait in line and chit chatted . "Luna, I have a concert in a few days, will you come to watch my performance?" Jackson asks.
"Of course, what songs are you going to perform?" I responded.
"I will not tell you yet, until the performance." He smiles, gently teasing me.
"Next in line please."
The Me and Jackson step into the roller coaster, and settle in the middle. "Ready?" Jackson asks.
"I-I am kind of nervous actually," I squeeze my eyes shut, my heart beating faster and faster.
"Don't be scared, I will be right here always." Then Jackson hugs me.
"Okay," I say. Blushing like always.
"Ready passengers? Let's start the ride!"
Jackson grips my arms more tightly as we rose and tumble down the slide, the roller coaster switching side to side, up and down. To say the truth, I was always scared of roller coaster rides, but to make dear Jackson happy I would take any risks. I think every couple would do the same for their partners right? I quickly cuddle into Jackson's warm body. Aaaah, so comfortable. The long ride became short as I feel safe and soothing in his arms. We got out, "Had fun riding? Hope you didn't feel awkward when I hugged you the whole time, btw, sorry!" I said.
"Are you kidding me? That has been my favorite and best ride ever! Especially with you," Jackson complimented. "Then that's good," I giggled.
"Where do you want to go next?" He posed.
"Hmm...rumble rumble, Um...hungry as always, heh," I laughed.
Jackson smiled, "Wait for me, I will buy you stuff to eat."
"Thank you!"
Jackson went to a food booth while I waited for him on a bench.
"Hey, isn't she a cutie?Let's go talk to her, she seems a bit lonely," a voice said.
"But doesn't she have a boyfriend? I just saw him walk over to there." Another voice replied. I didn't dare look up cause I am scared, ignoring them would be the best way, I think.
"Who cares, he won't be back for a while, let's just play, Heheheh." Shadows came closer and closer until they were right next to me. I looked up and saw a gang hovering over me. One grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, "Heheheh, pretty little girl huh? Trying to show off your beauty? Well then, show 'em to me."
"W-w-who are you and want do you want with m-me," I cried trying to get free of his grip. Tears were about to break out, and my eye sight was blurry. I couldn't see clearly who that person was but he is in my school.
"I am one of your classmates in school, third year of high school." The stranger said. "And you are first year, so call me 哥哥." *big bro.
"Never! Get away from me!" I whined.
"No, I can't, I am intertwined with you," '哥哥' said. I can tell he drank too much wine, his face red as if he has a fever, and he's leaning heavily on me, that I can't move.
"Sigh. Fine, I will call you 哥哥, if u let me go," I said.
He panted more heavily on my neck. Then slowly backed away but slammed into me.
" I can't," I can feel his lips gently touching my neck. "Your body smells nice, I can't resist it."
"Are you insane? Get off of me! SOMEONE HEL-" The gang covered my mouth and holding down my limbs. The boss which is 哥哥 licked my neck sending trials of saliva down my shoulder.
Luna...Luna! Get a grip! You promised us you would protect yourself and be brave! My mind suddenly remembered the strange dream, I need to follow my promise, I can never for get it!
I used all my strength and got out of their grip, then I kicked the boss's stomach sending him falling on the ground. I know he didn't expect that cause he was groaning in pain with wide eyes.
"Y-you, how did you even manage to get out of our grip? Nobody ever did escape!" The boss said.
"Well, don't ever underestimate a girl," I kicked his his legs, and he hugged his leg in pain. "Humph, that serves you right." I winked. I slowly walked away, back turning on them. Then I saw someone familiar coming this way. I knew exactly what will happen.
"How dare you! Friends ATTACK!" 哥哥 yelled.
"Hmph, you will never get me, I am unstoppable," I gave them my creepy victory smile.
Then as the gang came running to me, someone helped me block them, doing karate moves of punching and fighting. I turned away avoiding the drama.
Then someone covered my mouth and pinned me to a wall nearby. I bit into his hands and thought if he was one of those bad people.
I whirled around and have an apologetic look to Roy.
"Ssh, stay quiet, they are still chasing us." He warned.
We stayed quiet for a few minutes listening to footsteps fading away.
"Sorry, I was only trying to help when I heard a scream." Roy said.
"No need to apologize, and I am sorry for biting your hand," I said. "I thought you were a bad guy and did your injuries heal?"
"Well mostly, thank you for caring for m-" Roy stopped when Jackson saw us in an eawkward position. (Hugging very close)
"What are you guys doing?" He asked.
"It's not what you think." Roy and I answered.
"Then what shall I think?"
"That Roy was helping me from a gang, they were harassing me." I explained.
"Please don't get mad BFF, I was really helping her while you were away." Roy pleaded.
"Fine, I will believe you but next time you will get permission from me to touch Luna."
Jackson said.
"Thank you so much!" Roy looked at me and gave me a weak smile. "Well, I will leave you two alone and sorry for interrupting your date." He bowed and quickly ran off.
"Wait-" I took a step forward but someone grabbed my hand. I didn't even get to say a thank you to Roy, I will get the chance at school.
"Lets just eat and respect his apologies." He sat down and so do I, we ate in silence.
"Um...Jackson? Are you still mad about me and Roy?" I said.
"Don't even start, I already forgave you guys." But he still didn't look at me.
"Just to make sure, I am sorry-" I got cut off by Jackson staring at me, eyes filled with curiosity and anxiety.
"Tell me, are you alright while I was gone? I heard from Roy that you were harassed by a gang? Did they hurt you? Where? Oh, I am so worried Luna, please forgive me for leaving you alone," he asked.
Those questions swirling around my mind. I huffed out some air, "I am fine now thanks to Roy. He fought them, but before he rescued me, I actually showed my true strength, aren't you proud?" I said.
"I am definitely proud, but one day I will want to see your true strength with my own eyes." Jackson smiled. I didn't dare tell him about the things they did to me, I wouldn't want Jackson to be heart broken.
"Jackson how about we go to get some desert? We just ate lunch, how about that?" I suggested.
"Sure, there's this desert place, I saw earlier, let's go."
We arrived at Dippin' Dots, I used to those favorable yummy ice cream dots.
"Which one do you want?" I asked. "I already know what I want." I smiled daydreaming of all those I can want but there's only one that I want so much.
"Hmmm... May I have Rockin Cherry Ice with Popping candy together with what she wants? We just want one bowl." Jackson asked the cashier.
"Of course, and you miss, what would you like?" The lady questions.
"I would like Cookies n Cream please, thanks." I smiled.
"Why would you want that?" Jackson asks me. " I am just asking cause I am curious of my girlfriend."
"It's because it reminds me of you being cookies, and I am cream ~ (∩_∩)" I responded.
"We are a couple, cookies and cream."
"Here you go, enjoy! Oh, and may I have your autograph please?" The lady required handing out a notepad.
"Mmmhhmm," Jackson said licking the ice cream. He signed his name, and we got out.
"Come back soon!~❤️" the lady flirted.
"Here you want it?" Jackson took a spoonful out filled with colorful ice creams next to my mouth.
"Yes, please." I opened my mouth when Jackson ate it all.
"Hey! I wanted i -" I was about to whine when Jackson put his lips on mine and slowly opened my mouth. He gave me the ice cream, shoving it down into my mouth.
"Mmph!" I am choking when he put his tongue into my mouth and accidentally swallowed some ice cream.
"Yum, well that's better." He said licking his lips. Eeeeeekkkkk! Did he just do that? Now I have a dizzy and brain froze mind!
Jackson and I turn around the corner when unexpectedly, he yell, "Watch out!"
"Huh?" I spin my head fast as Jackson used his back to block. The ice cream dots fell out of my hand splattered across the ground. What is happening?

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