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     Jackson punched Roy in the face again sending him flying to the wall. My heart broke at the sight of Roy's state. His head was bleeding, eyes were bruised, clothes crumbled, and his breath was uneven. Oh, poor Roy. This was all because of me. He is in bad condition. Tears were starting to form, I am so helpless. At that moment I was furious for being so weak and hated the thought of Roy getting on death's door.
"JACKSON! STOP!" I yelled. I dashed to block him from hurting Roy any further. "Jackson, I will forever be your girlfriend, no need to rush," I assured. Then at that time, everything went in slow motion. I planted my knees on the ground, eyes red from crying. Tonight, I am definitely getting a bruise, but this is all for my friend, Roy.
"What are you doing, Luna?" Jackson said in astonishment. "Get up right now."
"No, you need to promise not to hurt Roy anymore. He's hurt can't you tell?" I cried. "isn't he your best friend?"
"Not anymore!"
I was speechless. "Fine then, talking to you won't help him right now."
I stand back up and reached for Roy's hand. Jackson grabbed me back with his arm wrapping around my chest. I stumbled backward. "What do you think you're doing?, Luna?" Jackson asked.
"Helping him, duh!"
"You can't, I just can't stand you helping him when he deserves it."
"I know, but he really needs help, just look at him!"
Sigh. "Fine, take him to my his house, I know where he lives."
Jackson's driver arrived and picked Roy up. "His house is near Karry's, one block away and it's the mint green house."
"Got it, I will take him to his house as soon as possible." But something is missing in my heart, like hearing Roy is going home to tend his wounds and bruises makes my heart sink.
Everyone looked at me including Roy with his bruised eye. I gathered all my medicine and first aid kit. I washed a towel, rolled it, and stuffed it into Roy's mouth.
"Roy, hold on. This is gonna gonna hurt, so if it hurts bite down the towel." I stated.
Mmmfh was all he said.
I sprayed using a first aid sprayer. "Aaahhhhmmmmmffhhh!" He cried. His wounds were covered with the liquid killing germs and bacteria. I know how it feels, it stings.
"Roy, I am so sorry. Please just hold on." I pleaded. Then I use bandages to wrap around his injuries. Inside I was screaming with pain as much as him.
Finally, I was done. I took off the towel, it was filled with saliva and dried blood. I almost puked but held it back in as I gently kissed his badly wounded lips. "This should satisfy you for now." I whispered. He smiled like an angel, hope Jackson won't be jealous of Roy and me.
Jackson's POV ~
I was right in front of Roy and Luna the whole time watching Roy getting treatment, he's face was angry, depressed, and sad. I actually feel bad for him now. Sorry Roy, I won't hit you again, I am so sorry, bff. I feel my tears are forming to make a giant river. But when I saw Luna kissing Roy, I feel stressed, and broken. I am getting jealous over my best friend. Sigh. It's not like he is getting her back just trying to feel better in this cold condition. I am very sorry, Roy.
"Roy, could you forgive me for being so violent? I beg you. Hope you can forget about this bad stuff. Everyone who saw how and why this started please forget and don't blame me. I just can't control myself. I am sorry, my best friend, Roy." Jackson apologized deeply. "It's okay, Jackson, you are always my best friend no matter what." Roy forgave.
"Always besties," Karry stated while all the tfboys hugged together and cried emotionally.

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