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"No don't go away, stay," I pleaded.
" I am very sorry, but I really need to," the voice said. "My family and I are moving away, but I promise I will come back and visit you-"
The image changed and there was a car driving so fast on a highway. Then the car suddenly lurches forward and lost its footing. Falling down down to the river and crashed into its water, falling deeper and deeper. Three people , one female, one male, and a little kid were drowning. Head low in water, eyes empty and glassy unable to focus. They were gasping, hands clawing for air, as they slowly sink and sink and sink..... "Mom, help...where are you?" The little kid cried gasping for air.
       "Luna... husband..." she too was trying to breathe.
        "Luna, please live ... protect yourself, don't let other people harm...harm...you....." the dad said with a mouthful of water.
       "Mom? ....mom...are....we...going to survive...." when the little kid said survive, she huffed out her last breath and slowly descended into the depths of the river. Suddenly a pair of gentle hands lifted her and broke out to the surface. The girl's eyes was feeling drowsy and blurry but at least took a small look at her savior, a person with a round doll boyish hairstyle.
       "Luna, please wake up, I still need you in this world", the voice cried. The voice sounds so boyish, she was sure he was her childhood friend, but she have too much childhood friends. Which one is him?
Screeech! I flung my eyes open. Phew...that was such a weird dream, I feel like that was so so real. I looked around in my room and saw Aunt Rosie looking at me weirdly.        "Luna honey, are you alright? You look flustered," She assured.
        "Yup, I am alright," I said. "I need to go take a shower, ready to go to school."
         " Alright. Go get ready then."
I took a long shower, covered with sweet fragrance of soup foam, then rinsed it off with warm, hot water. Aaah, so good. I went out to my room, put on my school clothes and walked downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate super fast with a mouthful of scrambled eggs and bread. "Bye Rosie! Off to school!"
"'K, have a good day!"
Good start, good day. Forget the bad stuff and move on! Go Luna! I started playing the song from tfboys getting some good energy and encouragement. The song is called 加油!Amigo! And headed for school.

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