Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


Trevor is still half sitting on the edge of his couch in his hotel room. I am facing him, leaning back on the wall, waiting. A slight smirk on his face, he's thinking about what I've just admitted.
"You're serious about this?" He crossed his arms.
I nodded. "Wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

Forreal how is he gonna ask me something like that?

"Hmmmmm..." He held the note.
"Don't let me make your decision for you." I didn't mean to snap that at him, but I did.
I hate being in a vulnerable position. I don't think I've ever been so vulnerable, until Sharon came into my life. I don't like it. I don't like the things it makes me do, and the power it gives other guys who have her. Because if they're playing with her, they're basically playing with my heart. And now Trevor is going on a date with the girl that he knows I'm crazy about. I think the only girl that I've ever really cared for even though I've dated many.
Trevor opened his mouth to say something-- then shut it, with a slight smile remaining on his face. He looked like he was waiting for me to burst out laughing any second.
"Honestly I'm still trying to tell if you're deadass or not.." He admitted.
I can't blame him for being suspicious about me I guess. Something like this is coming from the guy who said he would never wife anyone who wasn't Megan Fox or Megan Good. Last week. Though I believe Sharon beats out the both of them on a bad day..
"You think I only want her cause she's bad af?"
He nodded with a shrug.
"I don't. That's-- that's how it all started but clearly it is so much more than that now."
I was about to explain to him how my heart beats faster when she laughs or how I wake up thinking about her but I can't. Guys are naturally prideful and it annoyed me that he already has this over me.
"Trev. I can't make you do anything. I can't sit here and try to convince you that my feelings for Sharon are real. I can't tell you to drop your chances with her. And I definitely cant tell you that she feels even the smallest bit for me that I do for her. I just didn't want to keep you in the dark about it. But at the end of the end of the day, it's your call."
I stopped and looked at him.
"I respect that you came to me with this. And you already KNOW you're my boy."
A smile tugged at my lips.
"So you're saying that..?"
"Umm. See this is the hard part. You said it so yourself, she's a once in a lifetime girl. God placed her in your life for a reason, so does that not go the same for me?"
"The last thing I want is beef with you bro." He looked down at the ground. "But it's not like I can take something that was never yours to begin with."
"I just-"
"She's all yours." He smiled. "We're brothers. Plus..." He brushed his shoulders. "Like you said, I could have anyone I wanted." He tried making this a joke, I smirked.
"You're so true." I told him, then started out the door.


Daniel's shoulders dropped and I could tell his confidence had also. I feel terrible... I can picture him shopping for me at Walmart, in the 'Home' section--searching for the right light bulbs, putting them up on his window... testing if they work, evaluating where I should stand.... No guy would ever go out of their way to do something like this for me.

I tried to meet his brown eyes but he looked straight--which was over my head. He wasn't going to answer me right now. I sighed.
"Let me explain.." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "I don't want what we have, to end."

When I said that, he looked down at me and put hair behind my ears. I must have had a really sad face on because he ran a finger over my chin while saying, "I'm not mad at you, Jordin." He said that so carefully. I resisted the urge to seize his beautiful lips because he continued speaking. "I just need you to know how hard this is for me. You don't seem serious about this--us. From the very beginning you didn't like the idea of us being together although it was all I wanted."
"That's not true,"
"It is. the only time you weren't hesitant towards us was when I was Kyle to you. Thats when you were alllll about us being together. But now that I'm Diggy again you're reluctant. You asked me if you are just a fling to me but now I feel I should be the one asking you that. I try so hard to let you see that I'm here for you. But you're clearly not seeing it. It's like you're taking two steps forward and one step back. I don't want to play that game, Jordin."
There was a lump in my throat as I shook my head, "It's not like that baby,"
Diggy looked away and I reached above to move his face to look at me. "Let me explain," I whispered.

Ms.Anonymous, A Diggy Simmons Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now