5. more

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School was in session.

    After awkwardly sitting next to Bakugo on the train and walking to the gates of school I was finally here. Somehow, despite leaving at the same time as Bakugo I was sitting at my desk several minutes before his arrival. The peaceful sound of chatter and birds echoed throughout the classroom. I sat by the window looking down at the school courtyard.

From out of the corner of my eye I saw a green haired boy running away from something or someone. Following the green haired boy was a familiar figure. Bakugo? What was he doing? I lost myself in thought, completely drowning out the people around me. Even when the green haired boy burst into the classroom, even when someone walked up to my desk to introduce themselves I had one question on my mind.

Who exactly was Bakugo?

BANG! The unusually tall door swung open and close with a loud thud that cut off all conversation. Every head turned to stare at the new arrival. Familiar tufts of blonde hair and an equally striking expression stared back at every curious onlooker. No one moved.

The silence extended- far too long for comfort. I shifted nervously in my seat, questions plagued my mind. Should I go talk to him? What will everyone else think? Do you want to talk to him? Once more the fact that I barely knew my soulmate made me stop and think about what I was doing. I watched as his eyes roamed the room scanning the faces of all the curious onlookers. His eyes locked with mine some unexplainable look flickered briefly over his face. WAIT DID HE EXPECT ME TO DO SOMETHING.


As foreign as Bakugo was there must've been a reason we were paired together...

"Bakugo! It's good to uh... see you?" I fumbled over my words spitting out an awkward sentence. Heads turned. Great now the attention was on me. I had accomplished one of my many goals by shifting the attention away from Mr. Bakugan who was getting increasingly more annoyed. However all the attention was on me I unconsciously looked down, hiding my face in the pile of books on my desk.

The awkward tension wasn't alleviated from that in fact after I said that the room felt even quieter if that was even possible. The sound of footsteps growing closer to my desk was the only sound around. I held my breath in anticipation as Bakugo walked up to my desk.

"Dumbass. We were talking to each other 30 minutes ago. Did you forget or are you just some dumb clingy girl?" He sighed and walked over to the desk adjacent to mine- slumping over in his seat. Those who were eagerly looking at the events that had been unfolding became distracted and shifted their attention.

After the initial disturbance, the class got quite loud. A group of girls walked up to me and were about to say something when once more the door opened. Everyone immediately went to their seats and sat waiting in nervous anticipation as Dad walked into the room. I slumped over on my desk. The excitement of meeting a new teacher is pretty nonexistent when that teacher is your lazy Dad.

The instant Dad walked into the classroom I heard a choking noise from my right. Glancing over at Bakugo I saw him looking straight at Dad with a startled expression on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me that our teacher was your Dad?" He whisper shouted in my direction. Now it was my turn to be surprised- I thought he already knew.

"I thought you already knew!" I whispered back, confusion lacing my voice. He frowned and shook his head muttering something that was probably a curse under his breath.

"Your shit dad hates me." That was probably true. I felt like I didn't have the right to hold a grudge against him after he helped me get into 1 A, but my parents weren't happy with what had gone down at the entrance exams.

"Yeah bu-" I was cut off by a stern voice from the front of the classroom.

"Bakugo, Y/N I'm going to like both of you less if you continue to talk," Bakugo grumbled and scowled back at Dad but ultimately shut up after getting an equally scary glare back. Sorry, Bakugo he may not like you even more.

The day continued without much incidence. That is until we were told that there were going to be physical examinations. I groaned, earning a sympathetic glance from Dad who turned on his heel and left the classroom.

The class filed out of the classroom door and into the hallway. I for one was not excited about any physical activities and found myself dragging my feet on the way there. There were only a few people like me who were taking their time.

"Y/N right?" A voice called out from behind me. I blinked my tired eyes and looked around, for the source of the sound.

"Yeah, that's my name. But who are you?" I asked my eyes finally landing on the figure of the green haired boy from earlier who was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"Oh! I'm Midoriya." He chirped continuing to excitedly make his way to our destination. It was kind of adorable.

"That's a nice na-" I was cut off abruptly.

"How do you know Bakugo? I've never seen him hang out with you before." He asked a fearful look in his eye. What should I say? I scanned the crowd for Bakugo, would he be ok with me sharing the whole soulmate thing? He didn't seem like he cared very much for soulmates. Well, not to my face at least. I felt my face heating up, this was really embarrassing.

"Fucking Deku what are you doing talking to Y/N?"  A rough calloused hand belonging to the one and only Bakugo Katsuki tugged on my arm. As he dragged me away from Midoriya I was reminded of this morning.

What was the connection between the two of them?

This took awhile to write yet nothing really happened.

 I was editing this and the program I use wanted to correct everything to Bakugan

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I was editing this and the program I use wanted to correct everything to Bakugan. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed!


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