I rushed through the hospital hallways tears blurring my vision. Not even a second after hearing about Dad’s condition I was out the door. My abrupt departure woke up Bakugo his face wild with confusion and anger. Mom held him back as I left the room trying to get the raging boy to calm down.I burst through the door to his room the sound of a beeping monitor hitting my ears. My gaze was locked onto the bed where Dad lay his eyes closed- bandages covering every inch of his body. Tears flowed as I stumbled into the seat next to him. Blood stained the bandages.
I sat in the room for several long minutes-struggling to come to terms with what had happened. My sense of security had crumbled. The happiness I had felt earlier was leaving me as I stared at this broken version of Dad that I had never seen before.
Half an hour passed. I stared dully off into space unaware of what was happening around me. I didn’t react when mom came in and checked on me and Dad hurt in her gaze. I barely noticed when doctors and nurses came in and out of the room. I tuned out all noise except for the gentle breathing of the person in front of me.
What if Dad did die? Would Mom smile? What would happen to us?
A warm hand resting on my shoulder broke me out of my thoughts. I turned my head looking up into the crimson eyes of Bakugo. We stared at each other in silence.
I studied his expression.
It hit me that the only thing I had felt for a very long time was worry. Was my worry affecting Bakugo?
“Visiting hours are over come on let’s go get something to drink.” He said- almost unsure of what he was saying.
“Bakugo we’re underage.” I said concerned that he was suggesting we go out and drink what I assume was alcoholic beverages.
“What the hell. What kind of toxic shit are you drinking?” It hit me that Bakugo had only meant that we get out of the hospital and go to a cafe. I nodded- I really should get out of the hospital. Putting on my best smile.
“Are you coming?” I asked waiting at the doorway for Bakugo who seemed strangely out of it. Maybe he was still waking up from earlier.
“You don't have to do that.” He demanded shocking me. I turned and look at him.
“What do you mean?” I took a step toward him confused as to what he was talking about. I shot him a wide smile. Internally I felt like crying and latching onto the nearest person. I didn’t want him to get worried for me- I was too much of an inconvenience.
“Stop pretending you’re ok in front of me.” For someone who seemed so brash and angry all the time Bakugo was perceptive and gentle when we were hanging out alone.
“It’s as if you don’t trust me.”
That hurt. I was brought back out of the small bubble I had isolated myself in. The thoughts of doubt that I had been hurting him resurfaced. I had the realization that my constant worrying and hiding away was hurting him. I felt a sharp pang to my heart.
My smile melted and it was my turn to stumble forward and land in his arms. Tears slipping out of my eyes. He awkwardly embraced me- clearly not expecting this kind of reaction.
It felt good. Pouring out my emotions to someone who despite flaws had become a huge part of my life. I squeezed my eyes shut and remembered how much he had done for me over the past few days. Small things like asking how I was during the bus ride- to throwing himself in front of me in attempts to protect against villains.
I wished more than anything that he didn’t have to go through anything that horrible for me again. My tears slowed and I opened my eyes resting my head on his chest. The sound of his heartbeat was calming- a steady rhythm always there. A constant reminder that I could always come back to him- that this moment had happened.
We had made so much progress from when we first met. To think I was so worried to meet someone who would end up being sweet. I take that statement back- Bakugo was prickly like a hedgehog. He was constantly angry but seemed to put his spikes down for people he cared about.
Maybe it was because we were soulmates- or because he pitied me. Either way his spikes were down.
“Is this the first thing I wake up to?” A familiar gruff voice asked from across the room. We immediately parted escaping to different ends of the room. “Don’t think that trick is going to work on me- or your mother.” I snapped my head to the door where mom was standing with a phone.
“I’ve been here the whole time.” She snickered taking more pictures of my now blushing face. “Don’t think you can hide from either of us dear.” Dad sat up grumbling but nodding along to what she was saying.
“Thank god you’re ok.” I said a genuine smile stretching across my face as I listened to their conversation.
“Was I never not ok?” Dad asked sarcastically gesturing to his bandaged body.
“You’re not just ok you’re fabulous.” Mom said leaning down to hug Dad. I looked over at Bakugo who was awkwardly standing in the corner trying not to but in on the conversation.
“Mhmm” Dad raised an eyebrow at Mom who had been radiating happiness ever since he had woken up.
“It’s true”
I turned to look at Bakugo who was ignoring the world around him.
“What do you say we go get something to drink?” I asked gesturing to the door smiling.
“Sounds fucking fantastic.”
Remember when I was promising fluff??

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
FanficEveryone has a soulmate. Y/N the daughter of Aizawa Shouta and M/N lives in fear of hers. The large red mark on her face draws the attention of everyone and is the place where her soulmate will first touch her. Bakugo has never cared for soulmates...