“Thanks for paying by the way.” I said offhandedly. We were wandering through the city trying to find somewhere cheap. Bakugo stopped in his tracks.“Since when was I paying?” It was my turn to stop and stare.
“Since always???” This response only succeeded on getting him more annoyed than he already was.
“Is this some shit thing where the guy has to pay for everything?” Oh. Bakugo was an idiot. Why was this boy so dense and why was he my soulmate. Someone end my misery.
“Dude. Do you really think I have any money?” I said in a lame attempt to get him to realize that I had just been released from the hospital. Of course the idiot didn’t realize what I was trying to say.
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t?!” His voice rose. People around us started to stare.
“You’re really dumb.” Now he was really upset. why did i do that?
“WHO ARE YOU CALLING DU- o h.” I resisted the urge to slam head into a pole. A second of silence passed between us as we both grappled with what the other was saying.
“Yeah sure I’ll pay.” He finally gave in pushing open a cafe door and stepping inside. I smiled joining him in the warm building.
We walked over to an empty table in the corner of the room with our drinks. I of course had (Favorite Hot Drink) the only acceptable thing to have at a cafe. Bakugo had something…
All I know is that it smelled very strong and was quite hot.
“What are you looking at brat?” Bakugo asked noticing my critical gaze. ‘Whatever that mystery mixture is.’ Is what I wish I said.
“WHAT ARE YOU DRINKING?” WHY DID I SHOUT LIKE THAT. Thank god the shop wasn’t full of people I wouldn’t be able to handle the embarrassment.
“(INSERT NASTY DRINK HERE). It’s better than that toxic shit you’re drinking” He said nonchalantly. NONCHALANTLY. F/H/D is the best thing. I almost gagged at the thought of what he was drinking. I’m not a health nut but I’m pretty sure it causes cancer and a lot of other horrible things.
“You’re the nasty one.”We were both too passionate about drink choices to back down. Some of us more than others.
“I’m just saying if you drink that crap you’re going to have stomach issues.”
“(Nasty drink) tastes good fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
“Excuse me but if you want to continue drinking in this establishment you’ll have to keep it down.” Cue us apologizing, continuing to be loud, and then being forced out of the cafe.
“You know this is your fault.” I grumbled still clutching my cup of F/D like it was a 1000 dollar figurine from my favorite show.
“Why the fuck is that?” Bakugo grumbled back equally annoyed with our situation.
“You’re the one with bad tastes in drinks.”
“Says the one drinking piss out of a can.”
“It tastes nothing like that!”
“And how would you know brat?” I quickly realized that I had been forced into a corner. There was no going back from this. There was only one option that would end this conversation efficiently.
I said absolutely nothing. Trying my hardest to keep a straight face while staring at his own flabbergasted expression.
“What the hell- you know what fine.” He said disturbed.
We engaged in casual conversation after that. Nothing as intense as the great drink debate of 2k18.
We did some casual window shopping I quickly realized that Bakugo had bad tastes in general. He was looking at clothes and for some reason thought that it would look good if he paired a striped shirt with dotted pants. It suddenly made sense why he always wore the same outfit. If I was his mother I wouldn’t trust him with anything else.
By the time we stopped rushing around the sun was low in the sky. Vibrant colors swirled through the sky in different patterns. A comfortable silence had settled between us. I felt so close to Bakugo.
“Where are we anyway?” Bakugo asked looking around.
“What do you mean ‘where are we’?” I said looking around at the neighborhood we had wandered into. I had been following him the whole time. Where were we?
“I’ve just been following you the whole time…” I said continuing to look around at our surroundings. At least we weren’t in a bad neighborhood. The houses looked nice and there were families walking around.
“Hell if I know.” Bakugo shrugged strangely unfazed at the fact that we were hopelessly lost. I sighed looking around for a map or any street signs that could tell me where we were.
“Y/N? Bakugo? Is that you?” A familiar voice shouted from across the street. I looked up my eyes widening in surprise.
I enjoyed writing this. A strange break from what I've been writing.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
FanfictionEveryone has a soulmate. Y/N the daughter of Aizawa Shouta and M/N lives in fear of hers. The large red mark on her face draws the attention of everyone and is the place where her soulmate will first touch her. Bakugo has never cared for soulmates...