NOT AN OFFICIAL CHAPTER JUST SPECIAL BC HALLOWEEN. Honestly not even that Halloween related I'm sorry I just really wanted to do this."I was thinking we would do a couple costume," I muttered inspecting the racks of clothing in the store. Bakugo was slouched against the wall playing a game on his phone. The rest of the class was scattered throughout the store doing their own thing.
"Why does it even matter we're staying inside for Halloween." He complained joining me by the rack pocketing his phone.
"Just because we're staying in the dorms doesn't mean you can sleep." I paused putting back another inappropriate costume. "Besides we're having a party that you agreed to go to."
"I didn't agree to go you agreed."
"Same thing."
He grumbled marching off to another corner of the store probably to find some of his friends. I continued to look through the costumes.
"Hey Y/N do you know where Bakugo is?"
"No Kirishima I thought he was with you, he got bored and walked away." I sighed I can't deal with this I just need to find a costume.
"Really? I looked all over but I still can't find him."
"Look har- wait no that's really weird." I paused moving to the next rack of costumes, "Ok wait let's go over the usual clues."
"Can you smell smoke."
A solid no.
"Any loud screaming?"
We both paused for a second before looking at each other with wide eyes.
"SHOOT HES MISSING," I screamed dropping the plastic tiara I was holding. Kirishima looked back at me nodding as we both tore off in opposite directions.
The first classmate I ran into was Uraraka she was busy adjusting a large floppy witches hat on her head. I crashed right into the brim of it hastily standing up and readjusting it on her head.
"What the-"
"Listen Bakugo is missing he was bored and I stopped watching him and he just disappeared."
"YOU STOPPED WATCHING HIM?" She shouted causing the employees around us to back away. I nodded aggressively.
"Ok wait what about Kirishima have you talked to him?"
"HE'S THE ONE THAT CAME TO ME ABOUT BAKUGO WE DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS." Uraraka set the hat back down on the shelf it came from before floating us up above the aisles of clothing. I looked around for a hint of that spiky blonde hair but saw nothing.
"Wait, Y/N what's that." Uraraka pointed at a red piece of fabric that had been discarded in the middle of the store.
"That's his tie..."
Bakugo hadn't bothered to change into normal clothes before we came here and that was most certainly a UA tie. We dropped to the ground rushing toward it.
Oh god he got abducted by aliens and seduced by their queen now he's halfway across the universe without a nice tie this is a disgrace he's going to show up to some nice ball and he's gonna be wearing some nasty school uniform.
"You know what this means right?"
"He's probably in the changing rooms or something."
You're right it wouldn't be the first time Bakugo just tossed his clothes in random places.
"Ok, I guess that makes sense." At that moment Kirishima rushed towards us holding a very small lock of blonde hair.
This is worse than I expected.
WE NEED TO REGROUP.The quiet sound of pinging followed by the sound of hurried footsteps grew louder until the entire class had assembled.
I picked up the tie court commenced.
"I would like to support the theory that he was abducted by aliens." I paused bringing out the tie, "I would like to present the first piece of evidence, this tie."
"This tie is clearly a UA tie as shown by the emblem here. Now Bakugo is the only one in the group who came in uniform correct?" Kirishima pointed out turning to the classmates that had amassed in front of us they nodded.
"Therefore he was abducted by aliens and seduced by their queen," I concluded bowing in front of the small crowd that had formed around us.
Murmurs spread through the group.
"So how do you propose we get him back?" Momo interjected, "I mean the evidence points toward him being abducted but we still have no way to retrieve him."
"That's where you're wrong, Kirishima retrieve the hair," I ordered. He rushed back picking up the strand of hair from Uraraka. "It is a well-known fact that Bakugo is a demon. I doubt I even need to list the reasons why as we as a class have all discussed this multiple times." Murmurs of agreement spread through the crowd.
"This is where the hair comes into play, theoretically we can summon him here by performing a ritual using his hair." Uraraka pulled out fake blood and started drawing a pentagram on the floor.
"Could everyone please circle up?" The class moved together pushing and shoving each other until we were all properly situated in an uneven circle. Tokoyami stood up and started the ritual.
If this doesn't work he's lost forever.
We all closed our eyes the weight of this whole situation finally hitting me.
If we can't bring him back- this is the end.
"What the fuck are you guys doing."
I opened my eyes a large uncontrollable smile spreading across my features.
"How was your trip to the moon!"
"My wha-"
"Could the group in the main aisle kindly leave the store?" A crackled voice rang out over the intercom.
"Guys we did it." The class clustered together all of us incredibly happy that the Bakugo Demon theory had been proven.
"Seriously what the fuck." Bakugo walked up to me harshly pushing me out of the building.
Halloween is going to be so much fun-
"Oh shoot."
"We forgot to buy Halloween costumes."
My dreams of being a cute couple are crumbling in front of me.
"What the fuck did you think I was doing," Bakugo grumbled shoving a bag in my face.
I thought you were being abducted by aliens.
"I thought you were just in the bathroom for a really long time."
Good one Y/N you've avoided making a fool of yourself.
"What's this about an alien then?" He asked pulling out a recording on his phone.
"I hate you."
"I was just kidding."
"Yeah yeah I know."
Ok y'all! First of all happy Halloween!!! It's late now but whatever.
Second of all sorry for not really making a spooky Halloween chapter. I had one planned but I'm just really not good at writing fear so I thought I'd make something funny instead?? Idk-Ai

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
FanfictionEveryone has a soulmate. Y/N the daughter of Aizawa Shouta and M/N lives in fear of hers. The large red mark on her face draws the attention of everyone and is the place where her soulmate will first touch her. Bakugo has never cared for soulmates...