"Right here, right now," Bakugo extended an arm toward Midoriya.
This is so stupid there are better ways to handle things.
Ah yes but this way is manly and visually pleasing.
"What?" Midoriya asked a panicked expression washing over him, "why do we have to settle this like that??" He backed up to the edge of the sidewalk.
"Don't worry if it gets too serious we'll be stopped," Bakugo rolled his eyes glancing over at me- "So Midoriya tell me what part of you was appealing to All Might?"
Are we sure All Might gave Midoriya the special powers??
I mean idk but it sure makes this more exciting.
You're right I'll just go along with it.
"I-" Midoriya stammered glancing at me briefly.
Hey Midoriya you're a great kid and I'm sorry you're gonna die but honestly I don't want to get hurt so I'm not gonna stop this.
"Not gonna say anything?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow a certain arrogance filling his voice.
He sounds like-
"Rich bratty dumbasses like you get on my nerves." His voice rumbled and shook like thunder. He brought his fist back small explosions lighting up in his palm. My pulse quickened. His fist drew closer fast. I looked him in the eyes once more smirking as I turned his explosions into small sparks.
He sounds like that time when he punched me awww so romantic.
Honestly what was I worried about.
That he'd be violent, rude and a creep :///
"Bakugo you sound violent and rude," I called out to him from my bench.
"Y/N-" he cut himself off sending a sharp look my way.
Oh shoot he's really serious.
"Bakugo maybe you should listen to Y/N I mean-" Midoriya was cut off by a loud explosion that rung in my ears.
This isn't good.
You should stop it.
I should...
"Fuck off!" Bakugo continued to chase after Midoriya sending off a series of loud explosions- the glass windows of one of the buildings next to me burst the small shards flying in every direction.
This isn't safe.
"Three students from 1A identified breaking curfew!" A small robotic voice called out- I glanced over to my right a small robot stood in the alleyway cowering.
It seems safe over there.
"One of them is approaching me- their intent is unclear preparing to exit the scene!" It peeped speeding down the alleyway.
"Do we really have to fight? Is this really the best way to solve this?" Midoriya called out dodging another explosion. "No one ever said you're admiration of-" Bakugo jumped up bringing his fist forward for a punch.
He's upset because All Might recognized Midoriya- the person that Bakugo saw nothing in.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
FanfictionEveryone has a soulmate. Y/N the daughter of Aizawa Shouta and M/N lives in fear of hers. The large red mark on her face draws the attention of everyone and is the place where her soulmate will first touch her. Bakugo has never cared for soulmates...