17. math

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"WAKE UP." My door slammed open and the light was flicked on. I winced blinking my eyes against the harsh light.

"No thank you," I grumbled back burrowing myself under the covers. Someone shook me. I didn't budge. I was staying asleep at all costs. A minute of silence passed. Two. Five. My attacker had left, I sunk into my mattress melting into a dream.

"WAKE UP." My undefended body was slammed into by something. It definitely wasn't Mom. Mom was nice she woke me up peacefully. No, this torture was rare but quite effective. I shot up.

"You're up suspiciously early." I groaned I was not strong enough to take on the weight of my slug of a father.

"We have to go into school early today." He groaned sliding onto the floor. "Mom's orders." We shared a moment of silence before deciding that we were both better off sleeping.

Not even a minute later I felt vines wrap around my wrists and drag me out of bed. My legs hung limply and I felt myself run into multiple objects. Just sleep through it. I crashed into a table. Forget what I said about Mom being nice. She was a demon.

"Alright I'LL GET UP." I groaned sitting up and blinking away my sleep. Mom smiled sweetly handing me my bag and helping me up.

"Great! Now both of you have to hurry up and get out of the house!" She pushed us out the door the same smile spread across her features. "See both of you later!"

"I definitely take after you more," I grumbled tossing my bag into the car and hopping in. "That's not a good thing."


"I'll see you in class." I nodded walking off to find the unusually tall door.

"Y/N!" An excited voice called out to me, I turned around Momo was walking toward me with a large smile on her face. "It's unusual to see you here so early." She paused catching up to me, "and without Bakugo." She added coyly.

"Oh uhm yeah. My Dad has a meeting today." I stuttered out blushing wildly. Apparently, this only caused more questions to be asked as Momo immediately started talking.

"Your Father is one of the staff members?" She beamed energy radiating off the girl. I had apparently piqued her interest.

"Oh yeah I guess not everyone knows, Aizawa is my Dad." I shrugged continuing to walk toward the classroom.

"That's really cool Y/N!" She gushed. It was strange to see the girl who came off quite blunt and calm most of the time so bubbly and cheerful.

"Trust me it's not at great as it sounds."I winced I was definitely bruised from being tackled this morning. She smiled opening the door to the classroom.

"Whatever you say."

It was no surprise that the classroom was mostly empty aside from some of the more studious students *cough* Iida *cough*.

I pulled out my phone from my bag only to find a sticky note on it that said:

Don't forget to study for

Mom really stopped at nothing. I tore it off and stuck it on my desk completely ignoring her message and browsing social media instead.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now