He was just out of reach. The large crowd of students trying to push out of the room was suffocating. I watched as he completely disappeared and I got lost in the sweaty sea of teenagers."Hey Y/N!" Uraraka's unmistakable voice called out. I glanced around looking for the girl when I felt feet leave the ground.
"WHAT THE HECK!" I screamed as I floated above the crowd. It took me a solid minute to figure out that I didn't have a new quirk. I was just an idiot that was completely oblivious to the fact that it wasn't me but Uraraka.
"Whoa Y/N calm down." Uraraka chimed as we floated above the sea of people. I stopped fidgeting as much but continued to look around.
After floating for a good five minutes we touched down. Uraraka wobbled over to the bathroom leaving me alone by one of the many exits. I debated trying to find Bakugo before checking the time. We would have at least 20 more minutes before I had to go back. I could definitely go find Bakugo later.
Haha no, you can't.
I wandered away from where Uraraka had dropped me off and went to go get some fresh air. The winding corridors seemed to extend forever.
"Hey, Midoriya I need to ask you something." A voice called out from in front of me.
I halted peering around the corner. A quick flash of white hair was enough for me to realize what was happening. Todoroki was asking Midoriya out.
I debated turning away and finding another exit. That would've been stupid something was about to happen. I pulled out my phone and started recording. I could use this later...
"Hey dumbass what the hell are you doing?" Bakugo barked walking toward me. I whipped around.
"SHHHHHHHHHHHH" I stopped him from continuing around the corner.
"What you creeping on someone or something?" He muttered looking around the corner.
"Yes now shut up and creep with me," I said nodding aggressively. He sighed and slouched against the wall. "Come on you're as interested as I am." He hesitated before nodding stiffly and pretending to look disinterested again.
"Hey-" I slapped a hand over his mouth they were talking again.
"What is it Todoroki?" Midoriya asked stuttering slightly. OHOHOHO.
I turned to look at Bakugo who had moved closer to me in an attempt to see what was going on. I snuck my phone around the corner recording the situation so we could see what was happening.
Midoriya stood on one wall while Todoroki leaned against the other a serious look on his face. Silence fell between them as they stared at each other.
Todoroki opened his mouth.
My breath caught in my throat.
Bakugo leaned closer.
"Midoriya." Todoroki paused collecting himself, "Midoriya are you All Might's secret love child."
I choked a large gasp escaping my lips as I was pulled back by Bakugo who was covering my mouth with his hand. Silence. Nothing but silence.
We stood there waiting for the rest of the conversation to play out. I could only imagine how startled Midoriya looked right now.
"I- uh." Midoriya stuttered unable to form words. I thought about it for a second. It made sense. Midoriya's quirk seemed to involve punching things, All Might seemed close to him, and although Midoriya had mentioned a mom I had never heard of his Dad. I glanced up at Bakugo. His brows were creased in frustration.
"It's ok I don't need to know," Todoroki said coldly. He started walking his footsteps getting further away from us presumably walking outside. Midoriya stood for a second muttering. He then turned down another hallway and walked away.
I relaxed in Bakugo's arms.
I panicked flailing around for a second before I relaxed. I was never going to escape this prison.
"What the hell was that." He muttered. Awkward that's what.
"I have no idea," I responded shaking my head sadly. "I wanted to see something cute happen but now I'm confused." He released me and I stepped away peering around the corner.
"What the fuck are you doing now?"
"I'm checking to see if there's something else happening." I stepped out into the hallway, there was no one there. "It's like Newton's fourth law or something, where drama happens once it will happen again." Bakugo stared at me dumbfounded.
"No wonder you're shit at school."
"Yeah yeah."
We made our way outside the stadium. The bright sun shone down on everyone as crowds of people wandered around enjoying the small carnival that was set up outside. I looked around excited to do something other than fight my peers.
"Hey, Bakugo let's go do that one!" I cheered dashing over to a booth. Bakugo was strong- he could win me something from here.
"COULD ALL STUDENTS REPORT BACK TO THE STADIUM THE FIRST MATCH IS ABOUT TO START." EDEUDHUHDUHUH. I glared up at the loudspeaker before turning back into the stadium.
"Hey, Bakugo?" I said cordially as we slowly made our way back through the winding halls.
"Yeah what?"
"You stink," I commented dragging him toward our classmates.
"What the hell was that for." He grumbled following.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
Hayran KurguEveryone has a soulmate. Y/N the daughter of Aizawa Shouta and M/N lives in fear of hers. The large red mark on her face draws the attention of everyone and is the place where her soulmate will first touch her. Bakugo has never cared for soulmates...