40. meah

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The doors opened and both boys looked at me expectantly.

Midoriya's plan is rooted in logic and planning.

But choosing him would make Bakugo cry.

Ha so what.

Dude we love Bakugo.

Damn you're right.

"Come on Y/N." Midoriya called for me already rocketing ahead down the main street.


"Y/N don't follow that shitty green haired bastard." Bakugo scowled his eyes narrow and slanted.


"DO YOU THREE REALLY THINK YOU CAN STOP ME?" The thundering voice of All Might shook me to the core as he dropped off of one of the rooftops.

This is too much.



Midoriya stopped running stumbling as his quirk wore off, Bakugo stared at me worry etched in the creases on his face, All Might stared at my expression- calculating.

I'm not sure what I meant to say.

"At least one of you is going to be upset with whatever plan I choose." I murmured staring Bakugo dead in the eyes.

Some of us more than others.

"That's not true." Midoriya spoke up turning around and walking back towards the gate.

No it really is.

I know Bakugo a lot better than you do.

"Look I'm just some random extra, this isn't about me it's about you two." I sighed throwing my hands up in the air as I stepped through the gate.

It's your nonsense to sort out.

"I'll just do whatever seems best- you two sort out your bullshit." I spat out walking away from the both of them and toward All Might.

I'm stupid.

"Are you ok Young Y/N?" All Might asked quietly whispering the words under his breath.

Is he worried?

"Yeah I'm fine but they clearly aren't." I laughed under my breath shooting a look over my shoulder at the two of them, "boys am I right?"

I am right.

"We'll just have to show them." He smiled widely before squaring up and looking over my small form.

That we will.

"What the fuck are you doing dumbass." Bakugo shot toward me pulling me away from All Might who was getting ready to throw some idiots dOWN.

I'm trying to get you to agree on something stupid.

"We're going to take him down together." He reassured resting a warm hand on my shoulder

It's sweaty.

"Ok Bakugo let's do this." I smiled at him squeezing my eyes tight as I activated my quirk.

Sorry Midoriya.

The instant I opened my eyes Bakugo shot forward small explosions building up in his hand.

You can get him.

"Not so fast." The hero laughed loudly jumping forward his form soaring over Bakugo.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now