26. meme

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It was the day after the sports festival. Everything had passed without much incident, and although Bakugo was incredibly frustrated with Todoroki it didn't really seem to amount to anything. Maybe our joking around had taken his mind off of it.

Regardless he really should've given me better directions.

I was currently staring at the crudely drawn map that Bakugo had scraped together before heading home the previous day.

Where am I going? What am I going? Who am I going? What am I going? Why am I going? How am I going?

The idiot had told me to show up at 'this place' and we could hang out. Not only that he had told me to be there early. UH NO WAY.



I was currently wandering around a pleasant neighborhood.

At least you won't be killed.

Nice houses lined the street. Did he want us to go on a date in the residential district? What were we going to do terrorize the local children?

It sounds like something he would think of.

I looked back down at the map- it seemed like I had made it to this 'place' that he had mentioned.

It's just some nice house...

I don't think that this is it. I looked down the street noticing a small park- maybe he wanted to hang out on the swings or something???

Hey I'm all for it.

I was about to start walking down the street when a loud unmistakeable groan erupted from the house. I turned around.



I walked up to the house- hesitant to even knock on the door. There was no car in the driveway meaning that his parents were probably at work. Who even are his parents?

What kind of people raise a Bakugo...

The more I thought about it the more nervous I got. I slowly raised my hand ringing the doorbell.

Everything about this situation is normal.

You've forgotten the screaming house.

The sound of footsteps from inside grew closer and the door unlatched revealing none other but the house groaner himself Bakugo Katsuki.

"Uh come in I guess." He groaned opening the door fully- he was wearing sweatpants and an All Might t-shirt.

A man of fashion.

I giggled and stepped in carefully taking off my shoes and dashing into the house.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bakugo asked walking calmly behind me.

"I'm exploring." I replied rounding the corner to look at the living room. It was normal, the floor was clean, the TV was nice, the couch was blue.

I was expecting something more exciting.

Next was the kitchen. Again it was incredibly normal, a bowl of half eaten cereal sat on the kitchen island next to a phone that was still on.

Is that roblo-

My stomach grumbled. Bakugo raised his eyebrows walking over to the cupboard investigating it's contents I peered around his shoulder.

Is that (insert very good breakfast item idk i dont eat breakfast)?


As if he could read my mind- which is 100% possible. He leaned forward and grabbed it out of the cupboard walking over to the kitchen countertop to start preparing it. I stood awkwardly for a second before sitting at the island grabbing his phone which was still open.

Yo he plays roblo-

"What are you doing?"

"Just checking out what games you have..."


"Don't snoop around too much."

I continued to investigate his phone quickly realizing the Bakugo was a rich boi.

And yet he hasn't bought me a new phone?

What is this nonsense.

I opened up his Safari and was quickly drawn in by the fact that the first thing he had open was a minecraft crafting recipe. This boy had been hiding this from me for how long??? Ridiculous I can't stand for this nonsense.

Just as I was about to say something he set down (yup it's that brakfast food).

"Thank you!"

"Yeah no problem."

The surprising lack of profanities should've clued me in. I took one big bite and was immediately hit with the overwhelming taste of salt.

Is this for playing Roblox?

"How is it?" He asked looking up at me from his bowl of 100% soggy cereal. I smiled taking another bite savoring the flavor just to annoy him.

Oh you'll pay.

Clearly frustrated he got up and stormed over to the cabinet pulling out more cereal. The instant his back was turned I grabbed the salt shaker and dumped salt into his cereal.

Ok now we skedaddle.

As much as I would love to see him screaming and upset I was scared for my life. Time to scoot.


I rushed upstairs in record time the distant shouts of my partner could be heard faintly as I ducked into the nearest room and ran into the closet.


Ok look I didn't get a good look around the room I ran into but judging by the clothes this was Bakugo's room. A light flowery smell filled the closet it was pleasant.

Wow his mom must really care about him.

The floor of the closet also reflected care. It was spotless much unlike mine which was littered with discarded clothing and other items I didn't want to look at. In the back corner of the closet was a rack covered in dress clothes.

Let's just say I hadn't imagined him in a suit until now and boy was I loving it.

My brain was screaming about all the possibilities. So much so that MY IDIOT HEAD COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HIDING AND STOPPED BEING QUIET.

"Hey Dumbass what are you doing."


"What the-"


Goodbye vocal cords. Goodbye life.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked pulling me out of the closet. This whole situation was was odd and incredibly un-bakugo. Normally he would want to retaliate I had after all dumped half a bottle of salt into his cereal and then run away.

I mean normally I would be killed.

Today was not a normal day and it was honestly pissing me off. I stepped out of the closet looking around for a second my eyes landing on a card placed on his bedside. It was new, a pen sat next haphazardly placed so it could fall off of the table at any moment.

Well this is strange...

His gaze followed mine landing on the card and almost instantly he started to push me out of the room. Barely giving me a chance to finish inspecting the card let alone look around the rest of the sparsely decorated room.



Idk I need to write something fun before those internshipssss.


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