41. mars

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"She's just resting don't worry." A hushed voice muttered showing a blurry figure out of the room.

Yeah Mr. Man I'm just resting.

"I can just wait here a little longer." The figure persisted stalling in the doorway.

No leave me alone I want to wallow by myself.

"Go downstairs and eat something." A sharp female voice snapped.

Ah its Mom.


Go away both of you.

"Bakugo go downstairs and eat something."

Oh it's Bakugo.

Yeah go downstairs n leave me alone.

"Fine." He grumbled his figure turning away.

"Goodbye Bakugo." I murmured shutting my eyes as he got further away.

Goodnight everyone I'm gonna sleep for 1200 years.

"SHE SPOKE." Bakugo screamed rushing over each footstep shaking the house.

"No I didn't go downstairs." I grumbled pushing him away.

It's very sweet that you're concerned but I just want to sleep a little more.

"Bakugo don't rough house her ribs are bruised." Mom walked over gently brushing him away.


"Yeah Bakugo don't rough house." I teased sitting up and lightly punching at his side.

I'm so not cut out to be a hero this rib thing is 0% fun.

"Ok," he muttered flatly turning around a look of concern flashing through his eyes as he left the room.

He's blaming himself for this I swear to god.

"I'd better go downstairs and tell him he did nothing wrong."

This feels like a recurring situation.

"Both of you are crazy stay in bed Y/N he can come complain to you after he eats something and you heal up." Mom scolded pushing me back down.

I'm only sleeping because you said so not because I want to.

My eyes shut closed and I was asleep once more.

Sleeping sounds very poetic but waking up is never nice.

The harsh overhead lighting in my room shone down on me completely disabling any functioning brain cells left in my body.

"Dang I could use some pasta right now." I murmured my eyes wandering around my room.


"I'm just gonna check on her one last time." Bakugo called out to my parents downstairs, the sound of his footsteps rushing up the stairs filled my ears.

Welcome back <3

Haha stupid idea Y/N but what if you pretended to be asleep.


"You're still asleep." I listened as Bakugo shuffled into the room taking a seat on the bed.

Haha asleep.

"I'm so fucking stupid for throwing you out there." He scowled the blankets shifting as he grabbed the stiff material in his fist.

I'm listening.

trepidation (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now