• Fanfiction Loving •

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A/N: This is the first imagine I have ever written and it was requested by the lovely @AppleheadLoveUs ! I hope you enjoy it, Gry, and apologies again for taking a while to get this up! Sorry to everyone if my writing isn't perfect or if the imagine itself sucks, but if you do like it then please leave me a request, either in the comments or through a message! Anyway, onto the imagine!

Gry's POV

I drop my keys in the bowl by the front door as I walk into the Neverland mansion and sigh a little out of relief. I had been on a weekend getaway to New York with one of my closest friends, staying in a luxurious hotel (courtesy of Michael!) and doing lots of shopping, as well as seeing a Broadway show. It was an amazing weekend, but it was safe to say that I was glad to be home.

"Michael?" I called as I set my suitcase in a corner, ready to unpack in a while. I frowned a little; on the phone Michael had been saying how he missed me like crazy, even after only 5 hours of me leaving! Due to this, I was half-expecting him to be at the front door when I arrived, so I was a little confused when I could see or hear him, especially since he knew exactly what time I would be back.

I sighed a little and kicked my heels off before pattering up the large mahogony stair to our bedroom. As I walked down the long corridor to our room, which was deliberately at the back of the mansion so that we had some privacy, I popped my head around every door I passed but didn't find Michael.

I finally reached our bedroom and saw the door slightly open, with a very familiar figure facing away from me on the bed. I smiled to myself, deciding to sneak up on him, thinking it would be way more fun. He seemed completely engrossed in something and I was curious to know what it was, so I very quietly tip toed to my side of the bed, which was closest to the door, craning my neck to see over Michael's shoulder.

When I finally got a glimpse at his phone, I saw that he was reading something, and my eyes widened when I saw my name on the page; my instant reaction was to be concerned that Michael had stumbled across some tabloid article about me, there were plenty of them after all. I really hoped this wasn't the case, and that if it in fact was, that Michael wouldn't believe whatever lies were being told about me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Michael giggle and realised that he still didn't know I was there. I grinned to myself and slowly leaned closer to his ear before whispering, "What you reading there?"

The look on Michael's face was priceless when he turned around- shock, fear, excitement and relief is not a normal combination of expressions to see on one person's face at one time! I started giggling hysterically as Michael jumped on me and engulfed me in the warmest hug ever. "I missed you so much, Gry!" he said, a hint of excitement evident in his voice.

"I missed you too, Michael" I replied, one of my hands that were draped around his neck moving to play with his curls. "Although, I was only gone for three days" I finished with a giggle and pulled back a little to be met by his brown eyes, sparkling with happiness. "3 days, 3 years, 3 hours, it doesn't matter. I hate it when we're apart, no matter how long for" Michael said sincerely, his eyes scanning my face, as if trying to grasp every little detail of my features as he rubbed his hands along my upper arms.

"I hate being away from you too" I say softly and smile, moving my hands to cup his face gently, before leaning in and giving him a quick peck on the lips, which he willingly returned. "Hey..." I whisper as I pull away slightly, nuzzling his cute nose with my own, "You never told me what you were reading".

Michael giggled a little at that, "You'll laugh at me if I tell you, Gry" he mumbled, a smile still plastered on his face. I looked down for a moment before returning my gaze to his eyes, pouting my bottom lip and giving him the best puppy eyes I could muster. He laughed again, shaking his head a little at my silliness, "You know I can't resist those big blue puppy dog eyes!". I tried to maintain my pout without laughing, and he finally gave in. "Come on then" he grinned, pulling me onto the bed with him, laying down and pulling me close to him so my head was laying on his shoulder.

"You know the fans?" Michael began as he unlocked his phone and I nodded, signalling him to continue. "Well a lot of them write these stories called 'fanfictions'." This made me smile, thinking back to me younger self and how I loved to write imaginary situations with my celebrity crushes. "Well I was having a look, out of curiosity, and I found one about us" Michael finished, biting his lip shyly as he slowly moved his phone so I could see the screen.

I eagerly took his phone from his hands and began reading, which made Michael laugh as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "This is actually just like us!" I exclaimed, impressed at how well the fans had captured our relationship. "I know...that's why I read it, because I missed you and it felt real" Michael shyly mumbled, leaning his head against your own as he traced shapes onto your arm with his finger.

"Awww!" I exclaimed, making Michael go red and hide his eyes behind one of his hands. "I told you it was embarrassing!" he half said, half laughed. I smiled and lowered his hand, stroking his cheek gently as I smiled lovingly at him. "No it isn't, it's lovely and sweet" I replied softly, kissing each of his cheeks, "just like you".

"This is why I missed you, Gry" he replied as he gazed at me lovingly, wrapping his arms around me tightly so there was no space between us anymore. I smiled once more up at him before bringing his phone in front of both of you once more, "Cmon, let's read a little more, I want to see what happens!" I said excitedly, making Michael laugh at my enthusiasm. 

After about half an hour of reading we finished the part we were on and Michael smiled while locking his phone for a while. "Heyyy, I was enjoying it!" I whined playfully, pouting once more. Michael shook his head and laughed, "You know I'm actually here, right?" he teased, with that smile that lit up the room. I giggled and gave in, snuggling up to him so my head was nestled in the crook of his neck, my hand placed lightly on his chest.

I immediately felt his heartbeat speed up under my touch and smiled up at him, keeping my head in place as my eyes met his. He let out a small sigh and smiled at me lovingly, so lovingly that I thought I would melt. "Y'know," he began, kissing my forehead softly, "as much as I enjoy these fanfictions and love the fans' dedication and creativity, I enjoy the real Gry much more" he said softly, playing with a piece of my hair absentmindedly. I felt my cheeks blush furiously but kissed his cheek meaningfully, smiling adoringly at him as I pulled back.

"And I like the real Michael much more. Even more than the Michael Jackson on the records, music videos and TV interviews" I whispered, causing him to beam and pull me into a kiss that left me spinning.

From thereon the two of us would often curl up on the couch together in the evenings in front of a lit fireplace, admiring the talent of the fans who devoted so much time to writing about us, giggling at their accuracy which lead me to believe that, just like me, they saw beyond the Michael Jackson that the world knew.

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