• Love Me and Don't Look Back (Any Era) •

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A/N: This imagine is based on the song 'Intro' by Ariana Grande. It's such a beautiful song, I just had to write an imagine inspired by it, and I would highly recommend listening to it to really get a real sense of this imagine's feel and tone! Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJiOXh5wLQU 

Any era

You and Michael are soon to be married. You are both extremely excited to finally start a life together, but Michael's insecurities have got the best of him lately and he's been wondering if he's good enough for you, or that you know how much he loves you. One evening, you decided to relieve him of his anxieties.

"Come on, Michael! Just trust me, you'll thank me for doing this" you smiled up at your fiance as you zipped up your warmest coat and put on your favourite pair of boots. It was a beautiful, albeit cold, night outside, and you were determined to spend it with Michael.

"Hang on, I can't get these gloves on!" Michael giggled as he struggled to pull his leather gloves over his large hands. You'd always loved his hands, and the fact that he could never find gloves that would fit was kind of adorable to you.

The two of you laughed as you worked as a team to get his gloves on, but you could still see a glint of sadness in his dark eyes, but you were determined to see his eyes filled with love again.

You both walked around outside until you found your favourite bench that overlooked the grounds perfectly. You patted the spot next to you and Michael gave you a small smile as he joined you, your gloved hand holding his lovingly.

You let out a content sigh as you looked up at the stars and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Michael looking at the side of your face in admiration before he followed your eyes to the night's sky. It was a completely clear night, and the starlight was beyond magical. The only thing that was making the night more magical for you, was having Michael by your side.

You leaned against Michael's shoulder and he welcomed you into his arms, using one arm to pull your body closer as it rested around your back. You both remained in blissful silence for a little while before you began to speak.

"Michael, I know that you're anxious about the next step for us, but I need you to know that you make me happier than anyone in the whole world ever has, or ever will" you began softly, turning your head slightly to face him. Michael listened but avoided your eyes, an all-too-familiar look of insecurity sweeping over his features.

"I want to be your husband, Y/N, more than anything, but...but what if I'm not enough? I think back to my past and... and I don't think anyone has loved me for me...except you. And...and I'm terrified that if I lose you, I'll be that damaged kid again. What we have is so incredible to me, but I fear that you'll realise I'm not all that you say I am" Michael whispered almost inaudibly, looking down at your intertwined fingers with an expression of hopelessness. Your eyes softened and you squeezed his hands before bringing your other hand to his cheek.

"Michael, look into my eyes, it's me" you urged softly, relieved to see his captivating eyes connect with yours.

"You've got to believe me when I say that without you in my life, I would be a broken shell of a girl. You don't know how much I need you, Michael, because you don't value yourself. You don't value yourself enough to believe that you could be so important to someone. But, as your wife, it will be my job to make sure you know that"

Michael's eyes went wide at the truth in your words, as he began to truly believe you.

"But my past doesn't matter to me, Michael, when I'm with you, because you take the pain away. Love me, Michael, and don't look back, and you will feel that too, just as I do. Because my love for you will never fade" you brought your hand up to wipe away a small tear that was rolling down Michael's cheek. He was entranced not only by your beauty in the moonlight, but also by your words.

"You see those stars?" you whispered and pointed to a cluster of bright stars, fallen together in a line.

"You see those stars?" you whispered and pointed to a cluster of bright stars, fallen together in a line

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"That's the road to the sky, and that's where we're headed, my love. All our happiness and dreams together. And I promise you, darling, that our love will grow stronger and shine brighter each day and night. Just me and you, Michael, I promise you."

Michael wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him in a loving embrace. He cupped the back of your head gently as he buried his face in your shoulder, knowing that as long as he was with you, all of his pain would subside and life would truly be worthwhile.

"I love you so much Y/N... so so much" he croaked out as he pulled away a little to look upon your face, that he loved so much, seeing the reflection of the stars in your eyes, which you also saw in his. He stroked away some hair that had got caught in your long eyelashes and gave you a loving smile.

"I love you too, Michael, I always will"

You leaned in and placed a soft yet loving kiss on Michael's plump lips. Your lips moved together slowly, the feeling of safety and love overwhelming you both. After a few moments you both pulled away and cuddled up to each other, looking up at the stars in wonder as you talked about your future together long into the night.

A/N: I really hope you all enjoyed this one! I know it is short but I loved writing it and am trying to get back into the swing of writing imagines regularly, I've missed it a lot! Thank you, as always, for reading Moonwalkers!

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