• Birthday On Tour (Part 2) •

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{Bad Era}

A/N: Be sure to read part 1 before this if you haven't already!

August 29th, 1988

"So far so good" you thought to yourself as you stepped off your private jet arranged for you by Michael's team, holding each of your children by their hands as you did so. You had managed to avoid any of the press or paparazzi knowing about your arrival in Leeds and you hoped it stayed this way in order to maintain Michael's birthday surprise.

One of the bodyguards on Michael's team ushered you backstage to Michael's dressing room, who was already on stage performing so there was no chance of him seeing you yet. Imelda and Darryl made themselves comfortable on the couch, playing one of their games as you adjusted your outfit (simple skinny jeans and a peplum top in your favourite colour, with ballet pumps) and checked your makeup and hair. You hadn't seen Michael in 2 months but didn't want to go all out with your appearance in a showstopping dress- it really wasn't your style, especially not now with being the mother of two young children.

You finished touching up your makeup and smiled as you saw your children laughing together. Just at that moment, Frank knocked on the door and you grinned, knowing that there wouldn't be much more time for you and your children to wait until you saw Michael again. "Come in!" you said and turned to the door, seeing Frank make his way inside! "It's so great to see you, Y/N!" he greeted you before turning to the children, "Wow Imelda and Darryl, look how much you've grown since I saw you last!", making them smile proudly and giggle.

"I'm guessing they know what's up, now" he said in a quieter tone to you and you nodded, "Thank God! It was so hard keeping this all a secret!" you laughed. "Well I know Michael is going to be so surprised and happy, he misses the three of you so much" Frank said sincerely and you gave him an appreciative smile. "Speaking of the man himself, are you both excited to see your father?" he turned his attention to Imelda and Darryl again and they nodded eagerly.

"Come on then, my darlings" you said warmly and held your hands out for them to hold. They bounded over to you eagerly and you all began to follow Frank out of the dressing room and to the wings. Once there you crouched down to their level, "Now, we have to be really quiet and don't go anywhere without me, okay?" you said to them and they nodded at you before looking around in awe at their surroundings. You quickly placed their ear muffs on to protect them from the loud music and smiled as you caught a glimpse of Michael dancing expertly. He was currently performing Bad and had bought lots of young children up on the stage to dance with him, something he did from time to time in his shows.

The song soon came to an end and Michael bowed to the audience, about the make his way off stage when Frank walked up to him and told him to stay put. You couldn't help but giggle at Michael's confused expression- he was so used to being in complete control of what happened in his shows, so there was no doubt in your mind that he was a bit thrown of guard right now.

The band began playing happy birthday, the backup singers soon beginning to sing the simple tune, which the audience also joined in with. Not long after, a few members of Michael's crew brought out an enormous birthday cake that you had chosen, adorned with sparklers and Michael's went wide before his face broke out into a breathtaking grin at the sight of the cake.

He shook his head in disbelief, his curls moving in an unruly fashion as he looked around in disbelief. The audience and everyone on stage and backstage began clapping once the song had ended and Michael addressed the crowd and everyone around him, "Thank you! Thank you so much, I love you all!" he beamed, bowing once more to the crowd.

It was at that moment that you decided it was time to reunite with your husband you bent down to your children, "Come on, let's go see your daddy!" you whispered before stepping out onto the stage, a spotlight lighting the three of you up immediately as you slowly made your way to the centre. Michael had his back facing you but knew something was up when the crowd erupted with ear-splitting cheers upon seeing you and your children.

He turned around and a look of pure love and bewilderment lit up his features as you felt tears run down your cheeks, beaming at him as he ran over to the three of you. He immediately brought you into a deep and passionate kiss, sending the crowds wild as he pulled away breathlessly and caressed your cheek and looked deep into your eyes, happy tears filling his own, before stooping down to pick up your children in his strong arms.

You covered your mouth as you continued to cry at the sight of your children hugging Michael tightly, who was holding them so tightly and desperately, his love for them was evident to the whole world. After a moment you gingerly took Darryl to help Michael out, and the entire crowd 'awed' at the sight of you and Michael hug each other tightly with your children in your arms. You buried your head in the crook of Michael's neck, finding immediate comfort there as he brought one of his large hands to hold the back of your head, stroking your hair. "I can't believe you're here, I love you so much" he breathed in your ear, the two of you trying to hold back sobs. You didn't even get a chance to reply before Michael took your free hand after waving once more to the crowd, leading you and your children off stage for some much needed quiet time.

After an hour or so, you had greeted almost everyone backstage and you, Michael and your children had had some quality time together. You had one more surprise in store for Michael though which only you knew about. Frank's presence in the dressing room gave you the perfect opportunity to give Michael the birthday present you had been saving for the past two months. "Imelda, Darryl, would you like your very own tour of the stadium?" Frank asked and your children looked excitedly at him, before turning to you and Michael, who were currently sat on the couch, Michael's arm draped over your shoulder.

"Go on, then, but then we really need to get you to bed" Michael said and laughed a little. "Thank you daddy!" they chorused and beamed before taking Frank's hands and heading off. "God I've missed you all so much" Michael said softly once the door was shut, turning to face you with loving smile on his face, his eyes scanning yours as he got lost in them. You smiled and bought one of your hands to cup his cheek for a moment, "I haven't given you your present yet" you remarked, raising your eyebrows a little teasingly.

"No, no you've done enough! This whole surprise is incredible! I couldn't ask for anything more!" he said genuinely, beaming as he clasped your hands in his much larger ones. "Well it's only a little something" you grinned and turned to reach into your bag, bringing out a small box wrapped with a bow. "This better not be an expensive watch or anything Y/N, you know I don't need those material things" he said with a hint of laughter and you smiled to yourself as you watched him open the box up, "I know" you spoke softly.

Michael's hands rummaged around in the tissue paper until he suddenly stopped, realising exactly what the present was in an instant. With shaking hands, he held up the pregnancy test you had placed in the box, along with a small photograph of the fetus of your third child. He turned to you with teary and expectant eyes, "You're...you're pregnant?" he managed to say, only just above a whisper. You bit your lip as you felt your eyes tearing up too as you nodded, an overwhelming feeling of fulfilment washing over you as you felt Michael's arms wrap around you, cupping your head lovingly as he pulled back after a few moments, his eyes searching yours with his beautiful smile lighting up his face.

His lips were soon on yours, making you feel like you were melting from happiness and bliss as you felt all of his love for you in that one simple embrace. You pulled away after what felt like hours, only to feel his arms wrap around you once more. "I love you so much, this is the best birthday gift you could ever give me" he whispered in your ear, and you smiled widely as you tightened your grip on him, knowing that by his next birthday, you would be a family of five.

A/N: I really hope you all enjoyed this! I wanted to do something in honour of Michael's birthday, and this story had been in my mind for a while. Thank you for reading, and happy birthday Michael- I miss you more and more each day and hope that, wherever you are now, you are at peace <3

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