• Magic (Any Era) •

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A/N: Before you read this, just know that whenever you might feel sad, or anxious, or angry- anything, I hope that this little imagine helps you feel at peace in some way <3 

 ☆ Any era 

 This moment, right now, was perfection.

You were laying in bed with Michael, completely innocently, his arms wrapped securely around your frame, holding you close to him. There was complete silence all around, the only sound audible to you being Michael's soft, steady breathing. 

For once, you weren't thinking about the mistakes made yesterday, or the stress and worry awaiting you tomorrow; you were completely focused on the here and now, and such a level of relaxation was slowly but surely making you sleepy.

"Michael, we should probably sleep soon" you whispered, a small giggle leaving your mouth when he tightened his grip around you and released a long breath.

"We have all the time in the world to sleep, my darling" Michael reassured, his masculine hands making small circles on your back.

"I just want to take the time to just be here, with you" he whispered in a voice so soft that you felt you truly knew the meaning of the word 'heaven'.

"Look at me, my love" he gently requested and you happily complied, the moon's dim glow peaking in through the shutters and lighting up your features for Michael to see.

"My angel..." he murmured, moving a strand of your hair away from your face softly. Due to your close proximity, he was able to easily lean in and peck your lips gently, leaving multiple small kisses there before pulling back to examine your face that he loved so much.

"Sometimes I can't believe you're real, here and loving me" Michael whispered, his voice dripping with passionate love. 

"I could say the same about you, love" you whispered with a smile, playing with one of his curls. Michael licked his lips a little, loving the feeling of your delicate fingers making contact with his skin.

"You're so beautiful, so perfect to me. What we have... it's so magical to me, I can't help feeling like we're soul mates" Michael softly confessed, finding comfort in looking deep into your eyes.

"I've spent my life so far trying to create magic, to be magic for people around the world-"

"-and you are Michael, you're the most magical person I know" you softly interjected, earning a shy smile from him.

"But you, Y/N, embody all of the magic in the world to me. From the kindness in your soul, to the colours in your eyes, to the sound of your laugh- everything about you is magical, and even more so in this moment right now" Michael professed sincerely and it almost moved you to tears.

"I didn't believe that anyone as perfect as you could exist, Michael, but here you are- you're everything I've ever wanted, and I love you so, so much" you whispered, your voice gently disturbing the silence surrounding you and Michael, but to him, your voice was the most perfect sound on earth and it brought a smile to his face.

"I love you more, Y/N; you are my sun, my moon and all of my stars."

A/N: Well Moonwalkers, this is the last of my imagines for today! I hope you enjoyed this one, despite it being very short and cheesy. Don't forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments! <3


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