• Food Fights and Future Plans (Thrad Era) •

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Thrad era, 1986

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in your small apartment. Every morning you would hope to hear the robin that would come to the large walnut tree outside your bedroom window, and this morning you were lucky enough to be awoken by its sweet singing. You already knew that today was going to be perfect.

Especially as, directly to your right, lay the love of your life and fiance. The world knew him as the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, but as you studied his peaceful, makeup-free face in this very moment, you simply saw a man who you knew loved you in the same way, and just as much, as you did he.

You slowly sat up, carefully detangling yourself from the strong, yet loving, grip of his large hands, laying them gently upon his toned chest that rose and fell in such a way that comforted you more than many other things could.

You smiled lovingly down at him, absentmindedly tucking a strand of your unruly hair behind your ear, and began to admire everything about him: the way that his lovely lips stretched open the tiniest bit as he snored lightly, the way his short, jet black curls contrasted against your white linen pillowcase, and the indescribable smell of just him that now filled your senses.

You let out a soft sigh, pulling the sheet so that more of his body was covered by the soft fabric, before slipping your feet into your slippers and tip-toeing down the carpeted staircase and into the kitchen.

You leant against the wooden counter-top and smiled as you admired the sky's pink and blue hue, bathing your modest garden in a magical sort of light. You had never been a morning person, but you tried to wake up early whenever you could so as to enjoy the tranquility that the early hours held.

Your relaxed state of mind didn't last too long, however, as your eyes fell upon the calendar you had hanging up over the kitchen sink. And it was then that you read in Michael's messy scrawl:


'Shoot, that's tomorrow?' you thought to yourself, tracing your finger along the dates and, sure enough, seeing that your eyes had not fooled you.

Michael had told you about this family get-together months ago now; with a busy show-business family such as the Jacksons, everything had to be arranged so far in advance, to accomodate for the multitude of Michael's siblings and their busy plans- so far, in fact, that you often forgot about the plans until the last minute.

This gathering took place every single year and on this particular year, to celebrate your soon officially joining the family as the newest 'Jackson', you had offered to bake an array of deserts. Katherine had of course told you to not worry yourself about it, but you had insisted on contributing more this year- a decision you were currently beginning to regret.

'Well, looks like my day is fully booked!' you thought, tapping your fingers against the counter. All of a sudden, you were hit with a wave of inspiration, and grinned to yourself as you began to gather your cooking supplies.


"Ah, there's my Y/N!" a familiar, soft (yet, due to his sleepy state, also croaky) voice momentarily tore you away from your deep concentration.

You briefly looked over your shoulder, your eyes met with a very sleepy-looking Michael; his hair was an adorable mess, his deep eyes were a little puffy and his stripy pyjama shirt was unbuttoned until just above his belly button. On any other day, the sight would have sent butterflies through your entire body, but at present you were too engrossed in your baking ideas to give his appearance- no matter how perfect- your usual level of thought.

"Good morning, sleepyhead" you grinned before turning back to mixing your ingredients.

Michael yawned and ran a hand through his messy hair before grinning, taking the time to just appreciate you in this moment; the messy bun that flopped around on top of your head as you worked away, the rolled up sleeves of your robe that made you look that much more hardworking, and the concentrated expression that enhanced your features he loved so much.

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