• Fertility (Part 1) •

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It was the dead of night and you were laying on Michael's bare chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat as he slept. The fact that Michael was asleep before you was always a sure sign that something was on your mind, as usually you were always asleep before him. Tonight, though, your thoughts were racing like the speed of light.

You and Michael had been married for two years now and were both passionate about having a baby to call your own. The two of you had been trying recently, a lot, but had had no luck so far, and there were reasons for you to believe that you were the reason why.

In the past few months you hadn't had your period at all and, as well as that, you had put on a bunch of weight for no real reason. You'd been extremely insecure about this and made every effort to stay out of the public eye as much as possible, although this proved highly difficult when married to the King of Pop. Michael had noticed that you were isolating yourself from the world and, as someone who understood this, he was concerned for you. 

You were at least open with him about your weight fluctuating and explained that this was the reason you didn't want to be seen much. He was so kind about it and understood, assuring you that you were as beautiful as ever to him. Despite this, though, you still weren't totally honest with him.

You had also been suffering from acne, something that you never normally suffered with, but you did now and it was bad. You would hide it with makeup so that even Michael couldn't see it; you felt so unfeminine and so unworthy of his love.

After a quick trip to the doctor, you were diagnosed with a hormonal disorder: Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. The name alone scared you, but what terrified you most of all was that you had a potentially limited chance of conceiving. 

'How can I tell Michael that I might not be able to carry his child?' you thought to yourself in despair, your eyes filling with tears as you rolled away from Michael's chest slightly to stare at the dark ceiling. 

You wondered if he would leave you if he knew; not because you thought for a moment that he was the kind of man to do such a thing, but because you knew how important it was for Michael to have children. It was his dream, as well as yours, but there was a possibility that it would be snatched away from you.

As tears rolled down your cheeks, you turned over, away from Michael. You didn't feel like you deserved his love, and spent the rest of the night awake, in fear of what you would say to him in the morning when you took a pregnancy test, already sure of the undesired result.


Eight hours later, you found yourself in just the position you predicted: a handful of pregnancy tests on the bathroom sink with you sat on the floor, head in hands. You couldn't even bring yourself to do even one test, but the sound of Michael's anxious pacing footsteps outside the door drove you to at least try.

You didn't just take one, you took all three that you had bought, and sat on the edge of the bath tub as you waited- waited for the result you already knew. Sure enough, when three minutes were up, you went over to see that every single test was negative.

"Y/N? Is everything alright in there?" you heard Michael's soft voice enquire, as if on cue. You wiped the tears you didn't even know had fallen, looking at the tests with a helpless expression, before timidly replying:

"Yeah, I'll be right there..."

Wiping your eyes and tying your robe loosely around yourself, you slowly opened the bathroom door. Michael's expectant expression almost broke you and you had to look away, walking past him swiftly to sit on the king-sized bed.

"Y/N? What's wrong, my love?" Michael's tender voice questioned, kneeling down in front of you and placing his hands on your shoulders. You brought your teary eyes up to glance at his before whispering brokenly, "Go and see for yourself."

Michael looked at you worriedly, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before quickly walking into the bathroom. Hearing his soft, sympathetic sigh made you break down into quiet sobs, and Michael returned to your side quickly when he heard you.

"Shhh, my love, it's alright. We can always try again" Michael reassured, cradling you in his arms as he sat beside you on the bed, rocking you gently.

"I-It's my f-fault, Michael..." you sobbed, covering your face with your hands, not wanting him to see your face.

"Y/N, I never want to hear you say that again. It's natural for couples to struggl-"

"-I have a condition, M-Michael..."

A/N: Okay guys, bear with me because I know this part is bad! It's all a build up for the next part, which is where everything happens, basically. So yeah, stay tuned Moonwalkers! <3

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