• Nature •

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{Any era after and including Thiller}


Michael had recently been having a hard time in the press, specifically with regards to the changes in the colour of his skin, and his appearance as a whole. As his girlfriend, you felt it was certainly your duty to take his mind off of these matters, and decided to take him away on a break to the place where you grew up in the country.

You shut the door to your childhood home behind Michael and yourself as you stepped out into the early evening. Your parents had gone away to celebrate their wedding anniversary and they appreciated you and Michael watching the house while they were away. It worked out perfectly with your plan to take Michael away from the chaos of his everyday life and you could already sense the peaceful atmosphere helping him. 

You clipped the leash on your family dog and looked up to see Michael smiling widely at her tail wagging as she looked up at him. "She's such a cutie!" he grinned and giggled as he petted her affectionately. You smiled lovingly at him, so glad to see his bright smile again after what felt like so long. He looked up after a moment, his bright eyes gleaming as they met yours and you both smiled at each other, no words needing to be exchanged.

"Come on, there's somewhere I want to show you" you said softly, taking his large hand in yours gently and walking with him towards the road. You walked along in comfortable silence for a while, Michael appreciating the normality of the houses you passed and the occasional car that passed by. He wore a fedora, just to conceal his identity somewhat in case someone should recognise him, but there were so few people around it wasn't an issue.

"So this is where little Y/N grew up, huh?" Michael said, curiosity evident in his voice as you passed your school. "Yep, this is pretty much it" you said with a slight chuckle as you stopped in your tracks momentarily, taking in the simplicity of your small village. "It's so peaceful, I love it" Michael breathed, giving your hand a squeeze and smiling down at you lovingly before you both continued on. 

Soon enough the pair of you came to a clearing. You let your dog off her leash and she ran through, making you chuckle. You smiled over at Michael, who was already doing the same to you, and tilted your head a little, gesturing to the clearing. "Come with me" you said softly, brushing a few branches aside and beginning to walk through. Michael did so gladly, following your every step and regularly having to duck under branches due to his height, which made you giggle.

Eventually you came to the end of the clearing and you brushed the last branch away, "We're here" you whispered. The sight before you was nothing more than a simple field, with lush green grass and a single oak tree a little way ahead of you. There were a few sheep grazing in the neighbouring field and not a house in sight for miles. You were completely cut off from the outside world.

You heard Michael release a long sigh from behind you and felt him gently place his hand on your shoulder. "I know it doesn't look like much but-" "Y/N, this is one of the most...the most idyllic sights I've ever seen..." Michael whispered, as though his voice would interrupt the delicate scenery before him. You smiled up at him, his love for nature perfectly mirroring yours. 

Without a word being spoken, you gently took his hand once more and lead him to the oak tree, sitting beneath its protective branches. You could see everything from there; the seemingly never-ending green pastures, the relaxing simplicity of the sheep's movements and the swaying of the branches and leaves overhead. 

Michael's loving touch only heightened your sense of bliss, his arm wrapping around your frame and pulling you close to his side. You turned your body towards him, gently laying your legs over his own and resting your head in the crook of his neck, sighing happily as you felt him hold you closer and press a single kiss to your temple, his lips lingering there for a moment. 

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