• The Maestro (HIStory Era) •

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A/N: This imagine was requested by @themudukid , and is based on Michael as the Maestro from the short film 'Is It Scary', mixed  with the plot line from 'The Phantom of the Opera', just to give it a different twist. Hope you all enjoy!

It was late at night and you were walking home in the rain from work. Alone, cold and afraid, you began to get the feeling that you were lost, as you ended up in a neighbourhood that you had never seen before. It felt like something out of a horror movie, and you were terrified at the prospect that someone was following you, so you didn't dare turn around.

Every house that you passed was derelict and deserted, with front doors hanging off of their hinges, windows smashed in and severely overgrown gardens. You got the feeling that the entire street had been deserted for decades, causing the fear inside you to grow and grow.

Rounding a corner, however, you saw an extremely grand house; you could see through the windows that the inside held a dim glow, so you assumed that someone was inside. The house was intact, but nonetheless had a gothic feel, like the other houses. You brought your hands up to your upper arms, shivering profusely from the winter air as you slowly made your way up to the large iron gates.

You surprised yourself when the thought entered your head to go inside and seek shelter. You had always been sensible and very streetwise, knowing that there was a large chance that it would be unsafe to do so. The house had a strange sort of welcoming aura, however, and in truth, you were sure you wouldn't be able to retrace your steps in the dark.

Gingerly, you opened the gates, half expecting them to locked shut. You stepped through, being sure to close the gate behind you, and began to slowly walk up to the front door. For a reason you couldn't discern, you felt no fear whatsoever, almost as though there was a force compelling you to take another step closer each time. You hesitated when you reach the large double doors, your shaky hand millimetres away from the grand brass knocker, but found yourself reach for it and knocking three times. The door opened of its own accord, causing your eyes to go wide, but you stepped inside, the door softly closing once you were standing in the grand hallway.

All that you could see through the dark was a trail of tall candles, supposedly leading you somewhere. You didn't think twice before slowly following the trail, not noticing that each candle went out as your passed it.

After a while, you reached a large set of double doors, which slowly creaked open. You looked around you in wonder and slight fear, not knowing whether to step inside or not. Suddenly, a soft gust of wind came from behind you; you felt it take possession of your legs and you found yourself standing alone once more.

Looking around you, you found yourself situated in a large ballroom, lit by thousands of candles which gave the room and eerie yet strangely comforting glow. You had no idea what to do and remained rooted to the ground, examining the large, dark paintings that hung on the wall. Over in the far corner, you spotted a beautiful organ. Slowly, you walked over to the instrument, you feet so light on the polished flooring your footsteps barely made a sound.

Once you reached it, you traced the gold decoration that lined the wood, your touch as light as a feather. As you examined the organ, however, you could not help but sense that you were no longer alone in the room, and soon enough, your suspicion was proven correct.

"You came" a soft voice echoed throughout the room, making your heart stop as you stood still.

"Please, don't be afraid, I was hoping you would come" the voice continued, a gentle tone lacing the man's voice. You found the courage to turn around, and were met by a figure standing a few metres away from you.

He was tall, with dark curls and wore a white shirt with a ruffled collar and sleeves, tucked into black dress trousers. His skin was porcelain, making his dark irises stand out in contrast. His eyes bore into your own, but despite their intensity, they held a gentleness that put you somewhat at ease. You released a shaky breath, gulping as you looked away from his eyes.

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