• Hushabye Mountain (Any Era) •

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A/N: This imagine is kinda inspired by the song 'Hushabye Mountain' from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I was listening to it the other day and it made me cry because it's so beautiful, and I thought it might make a cute imagine idea. I would really suggest listening to the song while you read, particularly, the second part of the imagine (more specifically, the end). Here is the original song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCdc0XMrreU), but I'm in love with this cover (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trLR-iTyoO8), and feel like this version sets the tone for this imagine perfectly.

Any era

You hummed to yourself contentedly as you stirred the vegetables you were cooking on the stove. You had just cleaned the kitchen at yours and Michael's place from top to bottom, something that always made you feel better, seeing the gleaming surfaces and allowing the fresh aroma fill your nose. You'd had very little to do all day and, while Michael was out at the studio, you wanted to make your shared home all the more welcoming when he returned.

You had dimmed the lights in most of the rooms, letting the illumination of the fairy-lights add to the cosiness of your home. You'd showered and felt fresh and clean, wearing fleece sweatpants and a warm oversized jumper to shelter you from the cold November air. Knowing that Michael would most likely need to warm up when he got in, you'd decided to cook his favourite vegetable soup with a freshly made loaf of garlic bread in the oven. You were satisfied with your work around the house so far, and continued singing to yourself as you waited for Michael to get home, looking forward to running into his strong arms the moment he stepped through the door.

You got so carried away with your singing, however, that you didn't even hear the front door open and close. You'd put on the radio and were singing along to Little Mix's new song, 'Woman Like Me', dancing around the kitchen as you finished laying up the dining room table and prepared yours and Michael's portions.

"And everytime we touch, boy, you make me feel weak! I can tell you're shy and I think it's so sweet-"

"-I hope that's me you're singing about, Y/N..."

Michael's voice made you jump with fright as he came up behind you and spoke softly into your ear. You yelped, turning around suddenly to be met by Michael's heart-melting smile, his eyes scrunched up and sparkling. You placed your hand over your chest for a moment, beginning to giggle as you recovered yourself.

"Michael! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry princess, does it make it better if I say that I enjoyed your performance very much?" Michael said with a cheeky smile and raised eyebrows.

You felt your cheeks flush as Michael's large hands snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. His hands gently rested on your lower back and you smiled a little to yourself, loving feeling the warmth of his body close to you, and you fiddled with one of the buttons on his shirt. Michael noticed your rosy cheeks and chuckled, pressing a lingering kiss on your forehead.

"The house looks wonderful" he whispered softly and leaned his forehead down to rest on top of your own, his hands slowly rubbing up and down your back. You brought your eyes up to meet his chocolate orbs and gave him a loving smile.

"You've been working so hard, I wanted you to completely relax when you came home" you said softly, resting your small hands on his broad shoulders.

"Well I appreciate it, my love, more than you know" he replied, his face holding an expression of such undying love and affection for you, it almost took your breath away.

You both admired the other for a moment, your proximity meaning that he could study the different colours in your eyes, and you could appreciate the softness of the skin on his lips. Your eyes travelled up to his eyes, that you loved so much, but noticed they were tinged with dark bags beneath, the low lighting of the room only helping to accentuate them. You frowned a little as you brought your gentle fingers up slowly to touch the delicate skin there.

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