• Understanding (Request) •

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Requested by: TheMJPrincess

(Badangerous era)

The year is 1990 and you and Michael have been married happily for 3 years. You love living in Neverland with Michael. It's always so joyful, especially when Michael invites children over to enjoy the amusement park and play on the ranch. There comes a point, however, when it all gets a bit much for you...

You slowly woke up from your restless sleep as the sun poured through the curtains in yours and Michael's shared bedroom. You groaned and rolled away from the light; you hadn't slept enough that night due to the sounds of screaming and laughing that echoed throughout the house until the early hours of the morning.

Michael had invited his entire family over to the ranch for their annual family union, and with being one of nine children, Michael had lots of nieces and nephews. You were of course prepared for this, but Macaulay Culkin had been staying over the week preceding this, and you began to feel like you and Michael were never alone together anymore.

You rubbed your eyes and sighed to yourself, soon realising that Michael hadn't slept next to you last night. The worst thing was that this didn't surprise you, it was becoming a regular occurrence nowadays. It saddened you deeply; when you and Michael were engaged, he was working relentlessly on his Bad album, and then rehearsing non-stop for the tour. This was of course not ideal, when all you wanted was to spend time with your fiance, but you supported him no matter what because you knew the importance of his work to him and loved how it brought out his perfectionism.

You were often left feeling powerless, though. All your life you had also been a perfectionist, liking things done a certain way. You and Michael often joked that you were the only person on the planet who was more of a perfectionist than him; it was actually one of the things that made you and Michael work together so well as a team. You understood and accommodated for one another, because you loved everything about one another, the things that were good as well as the things that were potentially frustrating.

Lately you had felt that Michael's understanding had slipped, though. You were so happy to see him relaxed and having fun with the children, and you often joined in yourself. What you found difficult was the endless mess in the house. The water-balloon fights, the pranks, the silly string- it was dominating your home more often than not.

This is why you had excused yourself early from the celebrations last night. You had set up the dinner table beautifully for the family, making sure that everything was perfectly in place and clean. You were satisfied with your efforts, and the family complimented your hard work.

Despite having maids hired in the house, you always wanted to contribute to the cleaning, tidying and organisation of your home. Michael would playfully tease you at first, but after you explained to him that it was important to you to have things a particular way, he left you to your own devices, which you greatly appreciated.

Thinking back to the previous evening, you remembered how you had felt when Michael had suggested that the children did karaoke. You too thought it was a good idea at first, until Michael allowed the children to stand up on the dining room table, which you had taken so much care to decorate, and dance.

It was of course very sweet, but you felt hurt that Michael had allowed this, considering that he knew how long and hard you had worked to make everything perfect. Plates were broken, the tablecloth was ripped and one of your family heirlooms, a beautiful vase that had been in your family for generations, nearly smashed to pieces. You were in no way annoyed at the children, they were just having fun after all. It was Michael who had angered you, and he didn't even notice when you left.

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