• Overprotective (Thriller Era) •

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A/N: This isn't going to be a long note by any means, as I don't want to keep new content from you all a moment longer, but I do want to apologise for the massive gaps between updates! I can't promise that updates will be loads quicker from now on, as my postgrad studies are extremely demanding, but please know that new content is constantly in the works!

Anyway, I hope you all like this short, fluffy (and hopefully somewhat funny?) imagine- enjoy Overprotective!

March 1983

"Lights! We need more light over here!"

"No, I'm sorry, Mr Jackson isn't taking any interviews right now..."

"Easy, fellas, EASY!"

The hustle and bustle of the overcrowded movie set hits like a tropical humidity as soon as you set foot inside the beaten-up, dank and dim San Fernando Building on Skid Row.

Normally you would have been more than just a little apprehensive at entering such a place, but the reassuring squeeze you earn on your hip from your beloved eases your conscience. You unapologetically nuzzle your face into the crook of Michael's neck, the various metal zips and chainware that decorated his majestic, soon-to-be iconic 'Beat It' jacket sending a chill through your skin as it meets the cool metal. The sensation makes you visibly shiver, but is soon counteracted by the warmth of Michael's breath against your ear as he delicately plants a soft kiss on your cheek, gently murmuring "You okay, honey?"

You gaze up at him and he reciprocates your actions, stopping his long, confident strides, which in turn makes you halt by his side. He brings his tender fingertips under your chin, tilting your face upwards ever so slightly to give him the best view of your face. Initially, his facial features hold a morsel of concern, for you and you only. But as his eyes flicker over your face and read no signs of fear or trepidation, his dark and perplexed irises melt into deep, soulful pools of love.

"I'm fine, love, I promise" you giggle, tugging a little at his collar to bring him closer in proximity before gently wrapping your arms around his neck. You play with the ends of his curls at the nape of his neck, something that Michael couldn't help but love. The lower portion of his face spreads into the brightest of smiles; Michael was of course famous for his charming, gleaming grin, but when you were around it was that much more dazzling, vibrant and special.

To the many watchful eyes of cast and crew on the set, both you and Michael seemed to have stepped straight out of the reels of a classic '50s romance movie. Little did they know, the connection the pair of you had shared for the past 4 years was as exciting, blissful and romantic as that, and more.

"I can't help worrying about you, sweetie; plus, this place isn't exactly safe" Michael chuckles, speaking under his breath to afford you both a little privacy. He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear and bundles you up even more in the enormously huge puffa jacket that protects your form from the cold night air, as well as the prying eyes of the gang members around on set.

"Here, we gotta keep these hands warm" Michael adoringly murmurs after feeling the acutely chilling temperature of your skin. Reaching in his back pocket, he retrieves the fuzziest, cosiest gloves you'd ever laid eyes on. He carefully slips each one of your fingers inside the insanely soft material, the ever present smile on his lips widening as he reaches the finger on which you always wore the beautiful promise ring, which he had given you two years ago. The tiny, elegantly crafted diamonds and sapphires decorating the band gleam brightly even in the set's dim lighting. To Michael, however, they're illuminating beauty couldn't compare to the glimmering, magical light in your eyes as you watched him attentively take care of you.

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