• Miracle (Request) •

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*Requested by @TheMJPrincess *

The year is 1990 and you and Michael have been married for two years. You were both over the moon when you fell pregnant, but throughout the past 4 months of your pregnancy you had been feeling extremely weak and had been having heart palpitations. You decided to get it checked with the doctor just to relieve your anxieties, but Michael had no idea that any of this had been going on...

You fiddled with your beautiful engagement ring as you sat in the doctor's office, awaiting results from your recent blood test. The smell of strong disinfectant filled your nose and you sighed, wishing you were anywhere but here. In an attempt to calm your nerves, you rested your hands on your small bump and rubbed it slowly, your head shooting up when the doctor re-entered the room. He had a sympathetic smile on his face and was avoiding eye contact; you already knew it wasn't good news.

"Mrs Jackson, we've been looking over your results and we have found several things that-"

"-Please, please just tell me what it is" you whispered out, hanging your head. You couldn't stand the tension and just wanted this news out in the open. Your doctor sighed softly and scooted his chair a little closer to you before continuing.

"We believe that you have a heart ailment, Mrs Jackson, that has possibly always been present but only very mildly. This pregnancy, however, has caused it to worsen considerably, and it is likely to only progress further with the pregnancy."

You closed your eyes and shook your head, forcing back tears at the news. It was worse than you'd expected, much much worse.

"With your best interests at heart, Mrs Jackson, I would strongly encourage you to consider a... a termination...as soon as poss-"

"-That's out of the question."

You looked at the doctor with unwavering certainty. This had been yours and Michael's dream together for years, and you wanted nothing more than to give Michael a child, no matter what the cost.

"But, Mrs Jackson, if you give birth to this baby, it is likely that...that you may not live to see it" the doctor said as considerately as possible, but was desperate to make you see the urgency of the situation.

"I've made my decision doctor, I cannot and will not take away my child's life, and that is final."

An uncomfortable conversation followed between the doctor and yourself as he outlined the necessary alterations to your birthing plan and the risks that you faced, as well as the procedure required should you have an attack of any kind.

Walking out of the office, following this conversation, you felt completely numb and guilty beyond belief. You knew you should tell Michael the situation, but you knew what he would say, and he was already stressed with recording his upcoming album. The prospect of being a father was bringing Michael so much joy, you just couldn't take it away from him.

"Is everything alright, Mrs Jackson?" Bill's voice suddenly brought you back to reality, and you instinctively gave him a bright smile and nodded as he escorted you to the car.


Four months had passed since the fateful doctor's appointment, and so far you had managed to keep your secret. Your doctors were surprised at your wellbeing, but you couldn't always ignore the pains you felt in your chest, a constant reminder of your situation. You were often very pale and had large bags under your eyes, due to the constant pain in your chest keeping you up at night. Michael was of course concerned, but you just told him that it was a pregnancy symptom and brushed it off.

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