• Fertility (Part 2) •

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"I have a condition, M-Michael..."

At hearing these words leave your lips, Michael's eyes widened and he turned to look at you properly, concern written all over his face. He carefully brought his hands up to hold your face, as if you might break if he touched you.

"W-what? Please tell me you're not in pain! Oh God, I don't think I could lose y-"

"-I'm not in pain, Michael"

Michael let out a sigh of relief at hearing your reassurance, allowing his breathing to settle a little before pulling you with him on the bed, sitting up against the head board with you cradled in his arms once more.

"Tell me what the problem is, my darling. I know we can face whatever it is, together."

His soft voice reassured you and gave you the strength to be honest with him, but that didn't come without a few tears falling from your eyes. Michael noticed this and wiped them, moving slightly so that you were both facing each other.

"Look into my eyes, Y/N, and tell me what's happened" he gently urged.

Looking into his dark brown irises that you loved so much were one of the few things in life that truly relaxed and comforted you, and now was no exception. You inhaled a shaky breath and chewed on your lip nervously before getting out the words that need to be said.

"It's called Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, Michael. It means that I may find it more difficult to conceive, and is probably why we've been unsuccessful so far. That's why I've put on weight and...I've got acne too" you admitted, somewhat ashamed.

You felt one of Michael's long fingers tilt your chin up so that you couldn't look away from his loving eyes. He gave you a look of sympathy, but there was a strength in his eyes that told you everything would be alright in the end.

"First off, Y/N, this is not your fault. Do you hear me? This is something that you have unfairly been cursed with, but just know that I will be there every step of the way to help you. We can wait as long as we need to to have a child, my first priority is that you are okay, my love" he said sincerely, his dark eyes never leaving your tearful ones.

You bit down on your lip to prevent yourself from sobbing and suddenly threw your arms around Michael's neck, burying your face against his skin as his hands immediately caressed your back, planting a soft kiss on your head. No words needed to be exchanged, but Michael's soft voice planted the seed of hope in your mind that you so desperately needed.

"We won't let this stand in the way of your safety, or our happiness, my love."


Three months later

In the months following your honesty with Michael you made several changes in your life. You began to eat nutritious food and stopped skipping meals, something you had been doing secretly in a desperate attempt to lose the weight you hated so much. With Michael's support, you made a few small changes and soon saw the results you wanted, as well as the return of your period. Michael was beyond proud of you for your strength, and you were so thankful to have a husband as loving and understanding as him.

The two of you never stopped trying, and one morning you woke up with an unsettling feeling in your stomach that made your sprint to the bathroom. 

"Y/N?" Michael's concerned voice called out, soon getting his answer when he heard you throwing up in the toilet. Rushing to your side, he pulled your hair back and rubbed your back as you finished, your face dripping in cold sweat from the exhaustion that vomiting had caused.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're alright now" Michael cooed, bringing a cold cloth to your forehead as he examined your pale face. You smiled weakly at him as you began to feel better, but your eyes widened suddenly when an idea struck your mind.

"What is it, Y/N?" Michael asked, seeming to read your mind.

"I-I was supposed to get my period three days ago...and now this..." you whispered, not even daring to get your hopes up. You saw a twinkle in Michael's eye and no words needed to be exchanged.

"Give me a second" you said softly to Michael as you began to close the bathroom door before grabbing a test from the cabinet and taking a deep breath. Michael was nervously pacing the bedroom, constantly waiting for any sign that you had finished and soon enough you emerged from the bathroom.

"Give it a couple of minutes" you smiled softly, taking Michael's hand and gently tracing the lines decorating his palm. He smiled down at you, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear before pulling you in for a tight hug.

"Whatever happens, just know that I love you so much" he whispered sincerely and you nodded against his chest. After a minute or two you pulled back slightly, taking Michael's hands in your own as you gave him a small smile, which he returned.

Hand-in-hand you made your way to the bathroom, and you couldn't believe the sight that met your eyes.

Finally, after all this time, you saw the two red lines on the stick that the two of you had been so longing for. With trembling hands, you picked up the piece of plastic and turned to Michael with tearful eyes. He broke out into the biggest smile you had ever seen grace his handsome face, which you soon mimicked. 

Not able to control himself, he picked you up and spun you around in the air, causing you to shriek a little, your smile widening when he gently set you down and looked at you with such love in his eyes.

"We're going to be parents! You're going to be a mother!" Michael beamed, bringing his hand to rest on your stomach, rubbing it softly as though it were the most precious thing in the world. 

You covered your mouth with your hands, shaking your head in disbelief, "I can't believe it, Michael, we're going to have the future we always dreamed of!" you said in a trembling voice only just above a whisper.

"I'm so proud of you, my love. This fight has only made this baby more special and, along with this little one," Michael affectionately patted your stomach a little with a smile, earning a soft giggle from you, "you are the most precious gift I could ever have."

At his touching words, you reached up and pulled Michael into a passionate kiss, one that seemed to unify you both as one. But most of all, the kiss you shared confirmed to you that, with Michael by your side, you would not only have the happiest family, but you would also be able to tackle anything that life throws at you.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this, Moonwalkers! I don't think this is my best imagine, by any means, but I thought it would be an interesting topic to write about and decided to push myself out of my comfort zone! As always, be sure to let me know your thoughts! <3

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