Summer Days

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Freshman year wasn't as bad as I was told. The first year at college has come and gone and I somehow avoided the freshman pounds, being drugged, not remembering nights, and the dreaded hazing. I could thank myself for not getting an "on campus" dorm. My apartment was already a mess with no roommates. It's been an official two weeks since the last class and I've managed to get myself reorganized.

I could officially focus on the summer tans and cool breezes. First order of business, hit up Ben so we could go get high and visit the lake.

After much waiting and hearing the dialtone, I finally hear Ben's voice on the other end.


Hey Ben, what are you up to today?

Just got off work, why? Have you finally finished cleaning the junk yard of an apartment you have?

Heck yeah, you know what I was thinking of doing?

Getting out before the walls cave in to the stench?

Ha ha funny, wanna come to the lake with me?

Let me guess, you want me to smoke you up?


Anything for you stinking beauty

Fuck off, meet you in twenty minuets at the cafe?

Sure thing.

I quickly hung up to get some things prepared. I packed a lighter, my towel, and some money in a sling bag.
I changed into a two piece swimsuit and threw on an oversized sweater and some flip flops.

I put in some ear buds and headed over to the cafe where Ben and I would always study at after school. I haven't walked the path in a long time, finals had us stressed and at one point I thought we hated each other. Finals do some horrid shit to ones mindset.

"Let me get an iced caramel mocha coffee" I asked the barista. "Oh and a blueberry muffin"

She smiled, "okay, that will be eight sixty"

I handed her the money and took a seat close to the windows. I prefered the high tables.

I watched as Ben jogged to get inside as someone held the door for him. He was dressed in a tshirt and some khaki shorts.

"Ben, what are those?" I asked looking at his sandals.

He modeled them a bit, "what don't like the lewk?"

"If you're talking about the Jesus sandals then yes I don't like the lewk" I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, finish your shit and hop in my car" he said making his way back outside.

I followed him and caught up to his pace.

"So hows Ben?" I asked smiling

"I'm great, I'm actually really glad you had time to hang out today. I missed you" 

"Awe I missed you too" I laughed as I hugged him.

His car was dirty and I definitely wasn't prepared for the amount of sports stuff he had in there. "Geez, you're such a jock"

"Gotta get them gains" he laughed.

The radio sucked the whole way down to the lake but I was greatful for the drive.

When we got to the lake, it was pretty quite. There was a few people fishing and kayaking.

I got unchanged and stood at the edge of the water, "I bet I can beat you out to the rock in the middle of the lake"

Ben scoffed, "you're on" he ran out.

After much swimming, I beat him to the rock with time to spare. I wrote another tally on the rock with a stone. "That makes ten for me and seven for you"

"I swear you always cheat" he rolled his eyes and laid on the rock, catching his breath.

"For once, let me be better at something than you"

I laid down next to Ben looking at the sunset. "Ugh, I wish we knew more people"

"You're just alone and dick depraved"

"Oh I could say the same about you" I nudged Ben. "What happened with that one Josh dude?"

"Oh we don't mention him. He left me for some big dirty blonde" Ben explained.

"You need to stop going for the closet gays. They always either end up bi or drop you as soon as they get that boy pussy." I laughed.

"What are you my therapist?" Ben furrowed his brows. "I'm not the only one with boy troubles. Last time I checked, the last you even had a date was freshman year"

"Yeah but you see, I've come to terms with that. I don't try for a reason."

"And what would that reason be miss perfect?"

"I just don't see the point. A relationship doesn't mean anything to me besides biological mating. You see, when you take emotion out of a relationship, there's less consequences" I sat up and played with the water. "I believe people only use emotion to justify their sex life. I could get with anyone I want, I don't need dates and emotions to get mixed in"

"Interesting hardcore shit coming from a girl who cried when Lisa broke up with David"

"Hey, we don't speak of it. They were the last glimpse of light our generation had" I laughed.

"You're right. Anyway, we should head back before all the party boats dock"

"Ooo, Ben, we should join" I stood up looking at the water.

"Do you want to? Hannah said something about a dj coming out." He said stretching.

I thought hard, "mmm, nah. Let's go back to my place and order some Chinese"

I changed carefully as Ben swirved through numerous curves on the ride back. I got out of the car and found a menu to order from. The order was large so we decided to go to Wal-Mart next to the Chinese place to wait.

I was glad it wasn't crowded. We spent most of the time in the games. We were on our way out when we saw Hannah with a tall man.

"Hey dude, thought you were gonna be at the docks?" I asked her as she waved.

"Yeah, I just stopped here to get something to drink and pick up smokesacc" she signaled to the man behind her. "The dj for tonight"

"Hey, my name is Ell and this is Ben" I nodded.

"Oh cool, you can call me Dylan"

Hannah scratched her elbow, "we're gonna head out to the docks, see you guys there?"

"Uh nah, we'll catch the next one" Ben explained.

"Suit yourself" she shrugged and started walking off.

"See you guys around" Dylan laughed.

We got back to the apartment and watched Netflix while feasting on the glorious food.

"Do you think we should have gone to the dock?" Ben suddenly asked.

I looked at him blankly, "why? Are you bored?"

"No no, I just feel like we were supposed to go. Like something's telling me we should have gone."

"The world will never know" I laughed and put my head on his shoulder.

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