The Dock

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Hannah's P.O.V.

The night was darkening but everyone kept filing in. If tonight is going to be anything like last week's first summer bash, I need to seriously reconsider staying here for long. I don't feel like getting vomited on again.

"Everything okay?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, I'm just seeing there's a lot of people ha"

"Don't worry about it. I want you to meet someone." He smiled and notioned his friends to approach. "This is Gustav and Tracy"

"Hey, nice to meet you" I smiled. They gave me a hug.

"They'll be helping me tonight. Their voices are on some of the tracks. I hope it's okay I brought them."

"Yeah, yeah, no problem. I'm glad you guys could come."

"Do you guys throw these kinds of parties every night?" Tracy asked

"No, only a few nights a month. Recently it's gotten bigger. I guess it's all that freshman fever."

Gustav looked confused, "Freshman fever?"

"Yeah, something the seniors came up with. It just means everyone just wants to feel like they're on their first year, like they don't want to stop partying because they know it'll remind them of the studies" I explained.

"You never told me who hosts these things" Dylan joined

"Well, no one really. There's no cops at this part of the lake at night so its a traditional party place. Over time, it went from being a hang out of a group of friends to this huge gathering. We have a group snapchat with most of the people on campus and get people to come set up and organize drinks. Usually the president of the junior class runs the chat but sometimes he doesn't show up."

"Wow cool" Dylan replied while setting up. "Hey peep can you help me get the speakers working."

"I'll be around so if you need anything let me know." I said to the men and walked to the table to get them drinks.

"Hey Hannah" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Tucker?!" I said astonished. He was supposed to be in probation for setting the college library books on fire. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you" he smirked

"Well please leave" I turned away

He followed, "awh, you don't love me anymore?"

"I never did. I don't have to explain to you for the thirtieth time that we're not together anymore"

"You don't miss me?" He said flashing me a smile while running his fingers through his hair.

He always was the cockiest son of a bitch I ever knew. Even now as he stood tall above me, I couldn't picture anything but the sweet times together. He had a soft tan under all of the tattoos and a gorgeous pair of green eyes. His classic outfit of black pants with a white shirt never failed to accentuate his fit torso. Even through all his beauty, I couldn't forget how he was my hell on earth.

"I cannot say I do."

"Why?" He asked touching my waist.

"Maybe the years of emotional and physical abuse would do it" I yanked myself from him and headed back to the crowd.

I felt his hands return to my waist with a strong grip, stopping me. "Come have some fun with me" he whispered in my ear kissing my neck.

"No" I tried to pull from him but he wrapped his hands around my waist, not letting me leave.

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