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2:00 pm:

Once again after hearing Hannah ramble about activities for us to do, we've finally finished getting everything settled and dividing supplies for the three separate cabins.

I took it upon myself to grab the box of supplies and my bookbag of personal items and clothes and went up to the cabin ben and I are going to share to organize things while him and Josh went for a "swim" in the lake.

The cabin was very spacious as it had minimal and small furniture. It was fully equipped with a kitchen, a living room, a dining room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. When entering the front door, straight away I was presented to a beautiful open living room with big windows for full view of a lake. The kitchen was behind the living room and to the left of the entrance, adorned with marble countertops and a modern fridge. Then, to the left of the kitchen, 90° left from the door was a white stairway, going up to the bedrooms. Right next to the stairway, laid a fancy dining table in the middle of the dining room, below a hanging chandelier.

I put the box of supplies on one of the kitchen countertops and went upstairs to get a full look at everything. Once upstairs, directly in front of the stairs was the door to the bathroom. I expected to see the most wooden features in here, but was impressed by the repetition of the marble floors and white brick walls. The bathroom only had one window above the toilet, to the right of the entrance. Nothing too special besides a silver sink and a linoleum bath/shower.

The bathroom was connected to both rooms. One room was smaller than the other, but both pretty big. I took the bedroom with pastel pink walls, black carpet lining, and a white bed, while I left Ben and his toy with the room with the ugliest floral wallpaper, spring cot bed, and wooden floors.

My bed backboard was against a large window. The bed had a small white drawer besides it. To the right of my bed was a built in closet which I began to hang my clothes and shoes inside of.

After putting my socks, bras, and underwear into the drawer, I laid down on my bed and reached to the ziploc baggie I had thrown on the bed. From it, I pulled out my nicely rolled blunt, my ashtray, and my all white bic lighter, which I sharpie-d '21 club' onto. Putting the blunt between my lips, I cupped my hand around the lighter and put the flame onto the blunt as I inhaled. Looking up as I coughed, I noticed the wooden ceiling and sky-view window.

"What a coincidence" I said to myself.

I sat up a little, put a pillow behind my back, and tapped the ash off my blunt before reaching for my bookbag and pulled out my laptop. I went onto Netflix and started watching the literal 200th season of Supernatural.


It wasnt long before I got hungry and decided to make myself something to eat. I climbed down to the kitchen and realized I forgot to unpack the box of supplies. I organized everything into the wooden cupboards and into the fridge, leaving out a bottle of Gatorade, some microwavable pizza, and stovetop mac and cheese.

In the middle of cooking, I poured the Gatorade into a wine glass with ice. It was the only glass that came with the cabin. I imitated a old rich bitch and sipped my Gatorade as I stirred my mac, waiting for the microwave to ding.

I put the glass down and grabbed a plastic plate, then moved my small pizza onto it once it finished. I drained the elbow noodles and was about to add the cheese powder and milk when suddenly I felt hands on my waist.

I dropped the packet and turned in complete fear.

"Hey baby" Josh creeped.

"God dammit" I said through gritted teeth. "You better be fucking glad the packet didnt fall open side down."

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