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12:30 pm:

My eyes peeled open after some bump in the road made me jump. Ben stayed slumped on me as I looked over to see a sleeping gus with his hoodie draped over his face, and hannah in the front seat jamming. She held Dylans hand as she danced around and sang into their hands like a microphone.

I stretched a little before asking, "how far?"

"About twenty minuets" hannah responded looking down at her phone.

I sat up looking out the window, we seemed close. It was nothing but woods and a nearing ghost town.

"Good thing we slept through most of it, huh?" Gus grinned as he stretched, waking up.

He pulled his hoodie down, also looking out the window as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Pfft, for you! Truss me, I could do without the snoring!" Dylan interjected looking at gus through the rearview mirror.

Gus simply pouted and gave him his middle finger.

"Anyways! We're stopping to get something to eat and pick up some supplies for the cabin" hannah said before turning the volume back up.

I took the time to pause my music and put my earbuds into the pocket of my sweater. I noticed I had a few notifications but cleared them, I was honestly debating going ghost for this whole vacation.

I cleared them as we pulled into the small restuarant titled "the shack" - which gave me an idea of how poor this food was about to be. I wasnt about to complain because food is life.

When Dylan parked, I woke up Ben. He sat up in a panic.

"Chill, it's just time to grub" I laughed.

Everyone quickly got out of the car and into the restaurant. Of course, the crowd within was the weird strain of customers ranging from occasional truckers passing by and groups of families stuck in the town for a vacation. We took a seat at a wooden square table. That should have only seated four but the waiters squeezed a chair at the end, in which gus was left to sit in. I sat next to Ben and across from Hannah, so we all squeezed touching elbows and read the floppy menus covered in some sort of liquid.

"Gross" I said to myself.

"Nothing new, what can i get for you all?" A waiter approached

I felt a little embarrassed, not meaning to offend the guy. Ben next to me clenched his teeth and raised his eyebrows sensing the tension.

"Let me get an ice water and chicken strips" gus said handing the guy the menu. "Also, get someone to clean these menus, I could have wiped my ass with them and I couldnt tell the difference"

I giggled but stopped as I noticed the waiter rolled his eyes. The rest of us ordered then sat back waiting. The waiter soon returned with drinks and told us our food would be out soon.

Hannah began to babble on about plans for when we arrived to the cabin. I love hannah, but for the love of god, I wish she would stop planning out our whole lives once we agreed to come on this trip.

I began to doze off, bubbling my water, and staring at some mans wig piece fluttering underneath a fan.

Ben pinched me and I jolted, "what?!" I said annoyed.

I looked down where he held his phone to get my attention. He had Instagram open on his direct messages. It was from Ben's fuck buddy, Josh. I guess Ben had posted a video of the scenery outside the restaurant of the mountain range on his story with a location. Josh had responded:

Hey. I see your going to to the mountains, can I join? ;))

"Ooo, ben. I swear to god if you invite this man and ditch me on this trip, I might just disown you" I threatened.

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