Wonho - Let Me Love You [Part 2]

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"Seeing you cried yourself to sleep again breaks my heart so much, Y/N"

"If only I could tell you how much you actually mean to me...."

You hear those words repeating in your ears as you try to go back to sleep. You didn't know if it was just a dream or your mind playing words you've been wanting to hear, but you felt the warmth and comfort from it. You erased any thoughts you have on your mind, and continued to sleep again.

Rays of sunlight penetrating through the silk of the curtain woke you up from the deep sleep you had. It was a sleep that you have been deprived of for so long. You stretched yourself and got out of bed to find Wonho in the living room. You stare at him for a moment, contemplating whether you should wake him up after looking at his uncomfortable sleeping position.

"Wonho?" You shook his arms softly, not wanting him to get startled.

"Hmmmm..." he muffled in response.

"Hey sleepyhead, go and sleep in your room. Your comfortable bed is calling you" you spoke softly. He sat up, without opening his eyes, and zombied his way to his room. You laughed while watching Wonho making his way, ensuring that he doesn't hurt himself along the way.

You stood up and head in the kitchen to cook breakfast for you and Wonho to show gratitude for his company last night, like you always do every time you come and cry in his house.

"Should I make him doenjang or kimchi jiggae?" you weighed out before making a decision to cook doenjang jiggae for Wonho since you know he could not take spicy foods in the morning.

You prepared the tofu, potato and green chilli pepper and cut them into slices. Then once the water was brought up to a boil, you let the doenjang paste dissolve in the water while stirring it before including the ingredients you have cut earlier. You also didn't forget to add in some minced meat in the soup and let the soup boil itself till it's ready.

After you finished cooking, you head to Wonho's room to wake him up, surprised to see him already sitting up and looking at you standing at the door.

"Wow! The smell of doenjang in the morning really makes me awake!" he said while stretching his hands out.

You giggled. Grabbing his arms that was in the air, you pulled him out of bed and dragged him to the kitchen. He sat down on the chair with his hands rubbing against each other, excited to try the meal that you have cooked.

"This is sooo delicious!" he exclaimed with an impressed look on his face. You shrugged your shoulders and grinned at his comment.

"Maybe you should cry to sleep in my house more often so that I can eat your cooking everyday!" he teased you. You punched his arm as he fake screamed in pain at your reaction.

"Thank you, for last night.... And every other night that you have been there for me when I cry. I wouldn't know what to do if you were not there for me" you broke the silence and conveyed your feelings.

"Aish.... That's what I'm here for right? Me, your Guardian Angel!" he ruffled your hair as he points to himself, striking a heroic pose. Both of you laughed and continued to eat your breakfast with smiles on your face. Despite his tough looking exterior, you know he is a big softie inside.

After finishing the meal, Wonho volunteered to do the dishes while you shower and get ready to go home. You hugged him goodbye, once again thanking him for last night, and left.

"When the day comes, I will stop those tears from flowing down ever again by making you mine" Wonho said in his mind while watching you drive off. 

To Be Continued......  

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