Jooheon - Kiss Me Thru The Phone [Part 2]

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Day 1 – 10 am

After both of you had breakfast, you suggested Jooheon to visit his parents. It has been long since he visited his parents. As much as you want him only by your side, you know he still has his duty to his parents. That was one of the things that made him fell in love with you; you would always put the feelings of your elders first before yourself. He loved how selfless and respectful you are when it comes to your elders.

"Honey, go with me" he said, with eyes hoping that you will.

"No, Hon-ie... go spend some alone time with your parents and family honey... they'll feel sad if they don't get to spend time and pamper their adorable son before you serve the country..." you said to him as you pull yourself close to his chest.

He pulled away form you and pouted at you, trying to widen his eyes to make him look like the cat in Puss in Boots. You chuckled at his attempt to make you give in to him.

"You can spend time with me once you get back, Lee Jooheon... Aigoo.... Such a big baby!" you pinched his nose and ran away from him. His eyes trailed your footsteps before chasing after you and pulled you in for a tickle fight on the couch. After getting tired from all the tickling and giggling, you helped him packed his clothes before making him leave to visit his parents.

"Wow.. I didn't know you want to get rid of me this fast" Jooheon froze in disbelief with his left arm gripping you by the waist.

"Hehhe... I just don't want to make your family wait too long" you kissed him, and then waved him goodbye.

"Take care of yourself!" you shouted by the door. He nodded and shoots his dimple smile at you. You giggled and walked in after you see the lift door closes.

Day 2– 6 pm

"Y/N, I'm home!" he called to you as he enter the house. You peeped at him through the bedroom door, before running into his arms.

"Hon-ie!!! Hehe... did you have fun? How is eommonim and abeonim?" you asked him about his trip as you walked with him, hands entwined, to your room. He dropped his bag beside the closet, and plopped on the bed with you in his arms.

"It was great, honey! Eomma cooked for me my favourite dishes and we had dinner together while catching up and reminiscing old memories together...." he went on telling about what he had done during his visit while you listened to him with a wide smile on your face. Jooheon looked as if he had spent the time of his life with his parents and family. Seeing his smile, you became emotional all of a sudden. But you forced yourself to not let it show and kept on smiling.

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun Hon-ie! I'm glad you're happy..... Now, please get into the shower, you stink!" you hit him on the arm to make him stand, but he ended up hugging you tightly to tease you. You pushed him away, both of you laughing at one another. He then head to the shower while you continued reading your book on the bed, waiting for him.

Once he was done showering, he walked out the washroom, fully dressed to sleep. He slides in the comforter before patting the tiny space between you and him.

"Y/N, come closer... I wanna cuddle with you" he signalled as he put out his pouty lips. You chuckled at him before embracing him in a hug and rocking him side to side gently. It was quite, and both of you were just enjoying each other's presence in that silence.

"Y/N, I'm gonna miss each of this moment with you..." he voice suddenly broke the silence.

"Your small hands in mine" he lets go one of his hand from your shoulder, and fiddled with your hands.

"Your smile everytime I make you laugh" he caressed your cheeks softly.

"Your eyes everytime you look at me" he looked deep into your eyes, before kissing your forehead.

"I love you so much, Y/N. Promise me you will wait?" he asked as he leaves gentle strokes on your head with his hands. After all he said, the tears that you've been holding back escaped from your eyes. You hugged Jooheon, holding him tight as you cry into his chest.

When he felt your body shaking as you cry, he did nothing but cooed you while rubbing up and down your back. He knows how sad you were despite your efforts trying to cover it with your smile and laughter. He can't help but cry with you since he feels sad for having to leave you and not being by your side for two whole years.


You stare at Jooheon as he picks up the haversack and begins walking out of the bedroom, then into the living room. He paused and take a look around the house one more time before walking towards the entrance door.

"Am I not going to get my goodbye hugs and kisses from my little princess?" he smiled with arms opened as he looks at you, who at that time was standing by the wall with arms crossed.

You can't hold in any longer. You started crying while walking to him, hugging him so ever tightly. He laid his chin on your head while caressing your hair, memorizing your scent one last time. As much as he doesn't want to see you cry and leave you, he had to.

"Remember to eat well and rest well when I'm gone. Remember to take your medicines on time. Remember to check the mailbox every end of the week. Remember to lock the door whenever you leave and especially at night. Remember to switch on your night light when you sleep, you know how scared you get without me there. Remember to close the curtain during a thunderstorm and hug Kkulkie when you're afraid..." he was about to continue when you silenced him with a long kiss on his lips.

"Please take care, Jooheon. I love you" you said after pulling away from the kiss.

"I love you more, princess" he held on your hand tightly one last time, before letting you go. He walked out of the house, with heavy footsteps and a sad image on his back. You looked at every inch of Jooheon as he walked off. Remembering his hands, his eyes, his dimples, and his smile. 

To Be Continued......  

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