Changkyun / I.M - Mad [Part 1]

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It was Changkyun's off day today. So both of you decided to just stay in and watch some movies. You were cuddling with him on the couch, when you heard your phone vibrates. You sat up as you read the message that was sent.

Ella: Hey Y/N, can I meet you at our usual café today? I need to talk to you about something.

Y/N: Hey Ella, sure thing! 8pm?

Ella: Alright. See you later.

Ella was your best friend since college. From the way she texted you, it seems like an important matter. You placed your phone back on the table and continued cuddling with your boyfriend, your back against his chest.

"Who texted you babe?" Changkyun asked as he wraps his arms around you again, placing his hands on top of yours.

"It was just Ella. She wanted to meet me tonight."

"Oh how is there always something or someone that interrupts us every time we plan to spend time together?" Changkyun lets out a frustrated sigh. You giggled. You shifted your body to face him, then leaving a kiss on your cute boyfriend's nose.

"Oh don't be dramatic... it's not always!" you chuckled as he pulled you into him, cuddling tighter.

------------------ That night -------------------------

"Changkyun! Im Changkyun! Where are you?!" you stomped into the house as you shouted for your boyfriend to come out. You heard the tapping of keyboard coming from the computer room, that's when you knew he was in there and forced the door open.

"Im Changkyun!" he turned to you, shocked by the door that slammed against the wall.

"What's wrong Y/N? Why are you even shouting??" he asked you calmly while putting down his headphones. You threw the pictures that you were holding on the table, and then placing your hands on your waist as you breathed in and out.

"What is this? Who is this woman in the picture?" you questioned him angrily.

"Jagi, where did you get these pictures from?" he said as he look through the pictures, with a puzzled look.

"Ella passed it to me. She said she saw you with this woman a couple of times before. So she took pictures to show it to me in case I didn't believe her. Now you tell me, WHO IS THIS WOMAN?!" you started to raise your voice at him, impatient for his answers.

"Babe, listen to me... Let me explain..." he hold your wrist, trying to get you to focus on what he was about to say. But the anger that was building up in you just wouldn't let you. You pulled your hands out of his hold and stomped out the room.

Changkyun tried to stop you from moving any further, but you just kept on pushing him away. You opened the entrance door and left the house. Changkyun continued to follow you, running after you.

"Babe, wait! Listen to me!" you heard his loud voice behind you. You ran as fast as your legs could bring you, with tears travelling down your cheeks.

The red man at the pedestrian crossing didn't stop you from running across as you see no cars passing by. You ran across the street, you heard cars screeching when suddenly, you heard a loud crash behind you. You halted, and turned behind slowly.

"Cha-ch-Changkyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you yelled as you ran to Changkyun, who is now lying flat on the road.

"Changkyun! Babe!" you hit his face softly a couple of times, making him stay conscious. People passing by started crowding around you. You looked at your hands that was holding Changkyun's head, there was blood. A lot of blood.

"Babe, stay with me! SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!" you shouted in panic. One of the passer-by was already on the phone calling the ambulance for you.

"Y/N..... Y/N.... I......." you hear Changkyun's voice faintly trying to speak, as he held your hands tightly.

"Changkyun, stay with me! Please... I'm sorry! Please babe, stay with me!" you kept on crying out your apologies as you rock him back and forth, hugging his body tightly. Suddenly, you saw his hands hang loose. You looked up his face, his eyes were closed.

"CHANGKYUN!!!!!!" you wailed while trying to shake him to consciousness. 

To Be Continued......  

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