Changkyun / I.M - Mad [Part 2]

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You waited outside the operation theatre, worried for what will happen to your boyfriend. You called to inform Changkyun's mother about the accident as you nervously waited for the doctors to finish operating on Changkyun. When his parents came, you rushed to hug his mother as she holds you in comfort.

"Eommonim..... I'm sorry... Changkyun wouldn't be in this situation if it's not for me.. It's all my fault, eommonim... I'm sorry" you kept on apologising as you cried.

"Shhh.... Don't cry Y/N... Changkyun will be fine... I know my son... He's strong enough to get through this... Just keep on praying....he'll be fine..." his mother said, comforting you. You hugged her tightly as you continued to cry.

Looking at the clock, you noticed an hour and a half has passed since Changkyun was brought in the operation theatre. Suddenly, you heard the door opening.

"The guardian of Im Changkyun?" the doctor asked. You and Changkyun's parents rushed to stand in front of the doctor, waiting for the doctor's response.

"His operation was successful. But due to the strong impact on his head caused by the accident, his mind is currently in a coma. It may take a few days for him to wake up" the doctor said. You tried to hold on to Changkyun's mother as her legs begins to shake.

"Can we see him?" Changkyun's father asked the doctor.

"Yes, you may, but please be strong in front of him. He may not be able to see you, but he can still hear you." The doctor answered and bowed to Changkyun's dad.

"Abeonim, Eommonim... please go and see Changkyun" you suggested as you guided them to the lift.

"What about you, dear?" Changkyun's dad asked you.

"I'll be alright...what's important is for abeonim and eommonim to see him and be by his side for now...." You reassured Changkyun's parents as you led them into the lift. They nodded at you before the door closes and goes up.

------------------------------ A few days later --------------------------------

You went to the café nearby to order a cup of Americano. You haven't been able to sleep the past few nights after the accident. Although Changkyun had went through a successful operation, but you just couldn't stop worrying about him.

"What if....what if........" suddenly the thought of Changkyun leaving you came on your mind. As tears starts to build up in your eyes, your were suddenly shaken by the sound of someone calling out your name.

"Y/N noona!" You turned to see a lady, the same woman that was in the pictures that Ella had taken.

"May I know who you are?" you asked nicely.

"Oh, I'm Ji Su, Changkyun's cousin. You're Changkyun oppa's girlfriend right?" She answered with a smile on her face.

"How-how do you know me?" you stuttered as you were surprised when he introduced herself as Changkyun's cousin.

"How can I not recognise you? You look as pretty as the pictures that oppa has shown to me... He would talk about you every time we meet!" Ji Su said. She pulled you to sit down as she continued talking with you.

"So...all that was a misunderstanding? How can I be so stupid..." you thought to yourself as you tried to focus in the conversation that Ji Su was making with you.

When you get back home, you walked into the bedroom and sat down on your bed, deep in thoughts. You kept on thinking about the conversation you had with Ji Su. The scene of her introducing herself as Changkyun's cousin keeps repeating and playing itself in your mind. It made you regret causing the fight with Changkyun that night.

"If only I hadn't let my mind jumped into conclusion..... If only I hadn't ran out of the house, Changkyun wouldn't need to chase after me. If only I hadn't cross the street at that red man, Changkyun wouldn't be lying in the hospital bed right now! Why are you so stupid, Y/N!"

You kept on blaming yourself and cursing at yourself. You threw punches on your pillow until you got tired and just plopped down, letting your tears run down your cheeks to your pillow. 

To Be Continued......  

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