Kihyun - With You [Part 1]

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"OMG YES!!!!!!!! KIHYUN, MY KIHYUN, IS GOING TO DEBUT!!!!" you screamed at the top your lungs when you saw Kihyun was chosen to debut! You were jumping with joy when suddenly you heard an angry knock on your door.

"YAH! People are trying to sleep here!" the voice said in anger. Embarrassed, you slowly sat down while mumbling your apologies until the voice disappeared.

You were there by Kihyun from even before he became a trainee at Starship. You knew how much effort it took him to get where he is. You knew trainee life wasn't easy for Kihyun, how much he practiced singing everyday and how much his body aches every time after dance sessions. So when you saw that he was chosen, you felt relieved and happy that finally your boyfriend is able to live up to his dreams after all he has been through. Without a minute to lose, you texted Kihyun.

Y/N: HYUN-IE!!!!! I am so proud of you baby! Finally, after all the effort that you took :') Now all the aches and painful practices that you had paid off for you! You don't know how thrilled I was when you were chosen... You can now show everyone how awesome YOO KIHYUN is! Congratulations baby! I love you so much! <3<3<3

You knew Kihyun would not be able to reply to you instantly, but you didn't mind it. At least now he knows how proud you are of him when he reads it. After the excitements fades off a little, you went to sleep the night away, hoping to see Kihyun in your dreams.

------------------------ The next morning ---------------------------

You felt bright lights shining through your window, reflecting on your eyes. You tossed around to the other side of the bed and nuzzled back to your sleep, only to be embraced in a warm hug and kiss on your cheeks.

"Morning baby, how's your sleep?" a familiar voice whispered.

"Hmm..... Ki-Kihyun?" you asked with your eyes half opened and looking into the face of the figure which was lying next to you.

"Hey baby..." he smiled at you before placing a kiss on your lips. You jumped and sat up instantly to face Kihyun, and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly.

"Omg babe! I'm so happy for you! You did it, Kihyun! You finally did!" You cupped his face and congratulated him with pecks on every inch of his face.

He giggled at your excitement. "Babe, I know I know.... But can you stop squishing my face now? My cheek hurts!"

You pulled your hands away and mouthed 'sorry' to him as you looked at him innocently. But you continued to hug him tightly as you wrapped your arms strongly around his waist.

"I can't help it baby! I'm so excited for you!" Kihyun knows you were not going to stop anytime soon, so he lets you hug him while he rocks you with him softly back and forth.

"I'm gonna cook your favourite as a reward for your hard work!" You jumped off the bed and skipped to the kitchen, with Kihyun shaking his head and smiling. As you were busy having a war in the kitchen, Kihyun sat in the living room while watching the tv when the sound of pans hitting the floor echoed through the house.

"Baby, be careful! I don't want the whole house to be burnt down you know." He teased, making you turn and shoot daggers at him with your eyes. He laughed at your reaction, and lets you continue what you were doing while he waits.

After you set the table, you called him to sit and said your prayers before indulging in the meal that you have cooked. Both of you ate quietly, but with happy emotions spread on your faces. After you were done, you asked him about your cooking.

"So was it nice?" you asked with eyebrows furrowed.

"Hmm... it was okay... it lacks a few stuff" he answered. You looked at him confused. He stood up, carrying his empty plate along with him, before stopping right beside you and leans in closer to you.

"It lacks....a few of your kisses to make it the best breakfast ever!" he grinned at you, puffing his cheeks for a kiss from you. You chuckled at how cringy he was, but gave a peck on his cheek and lips afterwards. You can see an eye smile on his face forming while he walks to the sink.

You brought the remaining empty plates to the sink and begins washing each one of them squeakily clean. Kihyun was drying his hands beside you when you suddenly felt his arms snaking around your waist, back hugging you. He lays his head on your shoulders before heaving a sigh.

"I can't believe I finally made it" he said. You just smiled to yourself as you were listening to him.

"Thank you for staying by me the whole time. I know it was hard for me, but it was hard for you as well. I know I constantly make you worry about me whenever I came back from my practices. But I promise you, I will make you proud"

Finishing with your last dish, you wipe your hands on the kitchen towel and turned to him. "I know that you are going to make EVERYONE proud of you" you smiled. You hugged him back for a while before pulling him to the couch to cuddle. 

To Be Continued......  

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