Hyungwon - Hate That I Love You [Part 2]

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He went to place his bag in the room first before making his way back to the dining table. As he sat on the opposite of the table, he asked you a question that you thought you will never hear it coming out from him.

"What's the occasion? With you pretty dress up, food looking as high class than ever?" You were shocked with what he just said. All this while, neither of you have ever forgotten important dates to your relationship. Hearing those words coming out of his mouth, makes you doubt him. But you decided to just see how it is going to end.

"Oh nothing... I just wanted to do something special for you" you answered, faking a smile.

"Aww thanks baby. I really needed some cheering up since it has been so hectic lately." He said as he grips your hands. Baffled by what he said, you tried controlling your anger and continued eating your dinner with him.

After both of you were done eating, you offered to wash the dishes and let him go for a shower. He kissed you cheeks before leaving you in the kitchen. You were literally venting your anger with each squeak the sponge made while washing the dishes.

"I can't believe he actually forgot.... It has been five years already!"

Hyungwon came out of the bathroom, refreshed, and went to check his phone for any messages or calls when he looked at the calendar to check his schedules.

"Oh god! How can I forgot about our anniversary!" he face palmed.

From then on, he knew he screwed up. He looked out the bedroom door to see you sitting on the sofa with an angry expression on your face. He sneaked next to you, then hugging you from the side. You saw through his actions, that's when you anger can no longer be hold up.

"Took you long enough!" you stood up instantly, stomping away into the bedroom.

"Im sorry! I was too caught up with my schedule that I forgot about today!" you heard him shouting out his apologies, but you ignored them and took your wallet and phone. As you were about to leave the room, Hyungwon stopped you by the door.

"Baby, where are you going?" he asked as he started to panic at your movements.

"Im going out of this place!" you pushed him away as you marched your way to the entrance door. Hyungwon froze on the spot, only allowing his eyes to trail behind you.

"You know, I don't know how you could have forgotten about our anniversary all of a sudden, but I guess that's just how much I mean to you right now" you said to him, before leaving the house and slamming the door closed.

It was a dark, and windy night. You didn't know where you were going, but you wanted to be anywhere other than in the house with Hyungwon. You were disappointed with Hyungwon, how he had forgotten the most important date for the both of you.

"Does he have another woman? Have his feelings for me faded? Do I mean so little to him now?" insecurities started creeping in one by one, till you couldn't hold on much longer and just broke down in tears. 

To Be Continued......  

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