Hyungwon - Hate That I Love You [Part 3]

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After you left the house, Hyungwon began to take in what had just happened between you and him. It took a while before the worry starts to get to Hyungwon. He opened the entrance door to start looking for you, only for him to be frozen on the spot again.

"Omg its so cold... and Y/N went out even without a jacket! Boy what have you done Hyungwon!" he thought to himself.

"What if something happened to Y/N along the way? What if... What if......." Just the thought of anything happening to you makes him tremble in fear. He quickly grabbed a jacket for you and ran to look for you.

After 15 minutes looking for you frantically, Hyungwon finally found you, crying on a bench in the park. He quickly ran to you, sitting beside you as he placed the jacket over you.

"Y/N, baby... I'm here..." he said while holding you by the shoulders. At that moment, you hated how his voice makes you feel calm, you hated how his presence makes you feel loved. You were just too disappointed in him.

"Baby, please... stop crying... you know it hurts me to see you like this. Please stop, Y/N..." you can sense how worried he is. You took a deep breath and turned to face him.

"Do you not love me anymore? Do I not mean anything special to you anymore?" you questioned him as you cry on continuously.

"How could you say that, Y/N? I love you so much that you mean the whole world to me, baby... Please don't doubt my love for you, Y/N" Hyungwon answered, engulfing you in a tight hug.

The words he said was enough to melt your disappointment and anger away. You hugged him back, when suddenly you felt raindrops coming down. Both of you looked up in the sky, when the raindrops quickly changed to heavy rain falling on you. Without a moment to lose, both of you ran back home with hands entwined with one another.

When you reached home, Hyungwon rushed in to grab a towel for you and him. He quickly dries you off and brought you to the bedroom bathroom to shower while he showered in the guestroom bathroom. When you were done, you put on your pyjamas and went out to the living room.

"Y/N, come here beside me" Hyungwon gestured with his hands to sit beside him on the sofa, before handing you a cup of hot chocolate. You took a sip of the drink, and then putting it back on the table.

"Baby..." Hyungwon said while taking both of your hands, holding them tight. He then pulled you, making your head lean against his chest while caressing your hair.

"It's my fault for being careless enough to forget our special day." You continued listening to his heart talking.

"But it hurts me that you doubt my love and feelings for you. I love you so much, Y/N. Too much that I am afraid to lose you, even for a moment." You pulled away from him, looking into his beautiful brown eyes. Those eyes were filled with sincerity and honesty. You smiled at him and leaned your head back on his chest.

"I love you, Hyungwon" you finally spoke.

"I love you more, Y/N. Happy 5th baby. There's no one else that I would rather be with other than you." he replied while placing his arms around your shoulder, hugging you and kissing the top of your head.

That night, both of you made up thanks to the cold night, the rain and the hot chocolate. He cuddled with you on the couch while watching "About Time" until both of you fell asleep. 

  -----THE END----  

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