A Date?

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Set shortly after the rebels join Phoenix Squadron:

Summary – Due to a number of complications, Ezra and Sabine are forced to go undercover in a bar, posing as a teenage couple on a date. But as the night goes on, how much of a lie does the disguise become?

Ezra awoke to the blaring sound of Hera speaking over the intercom on the Ghost. With a dazed expression, it took him a few seconds to become lively enough to hear the words that she was saying.
"Can everybody please report to the living area? We've got a mission that we need to go over, and it's an important one" the Twi-Lek said, quickly replaced by a static sound as she ended the announcement. Ezra sighed in annoyance and slowly rolled over in his bunk, realising too late that he was rolling off his bed. With a crash, he landed on the cold metal floor, a throbbing pain soaring through his head. This just wasn't his day. He glanced behind him, wondering if his accident had woken Zeb up, but quickly came to a realisation. The crew was a man down at the moment, their resident Lasat was on a solo mission, something about recruitment in the Pakuuni Sector. He had the room to himself, a rare luxury indeed, and rather fortunate since Zeb would have mocked him relentlessly for falling off his bunk. With a slow movement, Ezra pulled himself up from the floor and rubbed his eyes. His vision was still a little blurry. Scooping up some clothes from the floor, the boy yawned and entered into the bathroom, placing his change of clothes on a nearby rack. He gasped as the cold water from the shower hit his body, shivering a little in the cubicle. Clearly there wasn't any hot water again, no matter, a cold shower would probably wake him up a little better. And so, with a plethora of yawns, Ezra prepared himself for another day of rebelling against the Empire.

Several minutes passed, and Ezra hurried into the living area of the ship, sporting his usual orange jumpsuit. He was late, the rest of the crew were already assembled and seemed to be looking over a blue hologram on the dejarik table.
"Sorry I'm late Hera, you caught me a bit unprepared" he apologised as he reached his friends' side.
"No worries, you're here now. Anyway, as I was saying, the mission for today involves a return to Lothal. There's a man in Capital City who claims to know the people involved with Phoenix Squadron...and their families. His name is Dak Raldo, and he is planning to hand this information to the Empire, in return I presume for a large sum of credits. Thanks to rebel intelligence, and the help of our agents on the ground, we've managed to find out that he'll be meeting his imperial contact for the trade in Old Jho's bar in just a few hours. We need a small team to go undercover in the bar, retrieve the information and, if possible, secure Dak Raldo" Hera explained, bringing up a hologram of the bar that had become so familiar to them.
"What happens if the team on the ground can't apprehend Raldo? We can't let him walk freely with that information in his head" Ezra said in curiosity.
"No, we can't. If whoever takes this mission cannot capture Raldo, the only option will be to eliminate him permanently. But that has to be a final resort" Kanan responded. The Jedi still hadn't fit in with this whole military scene yet, and he wasn't comfortable with the idea of a larger rebellion. But, his aim was still the same as it always had been, to rebel against the Empire in the most moral way possible. Killing Raldo had to be a last resort and, in Kanan's eyes, would be a tragedy if it happened.
"We're all agreed there love. But, there still remains the problem of choosing a team for all of this. Kanan, I'm afraid that you're becoming too recognisable for this sort of thing, and Zeb is still on his solo mission. I have to remain here on standby in case an emergency evacuation is needed, you'll need an expert pilot for that sort of thing. So I'm afraid that leaves you two" Hera explained, pointing at Ezra and Sabine.
"Don't worry, we'll get it done" Sabine said with a smile.
"Yeah, you can count on us" Ezra added.
"You might not be as comfortable when you hear this next part. In order to blend in as well as you can, I highly recommend that the two of you pose as a couple. It'll just fit better" the Twi-Lek said with a sheepish grin on her face. Ezra beamed widely, while Sabine almost spluttered and immediately stuttered to come up with a counter.
"H-hang on a second! Why can't we go as friends? Or siblings?!" the Mandalorian asked loudly, this was not her idea of an enjoyable mission.
"Sabine, listen. When you're inside that bar, half the people there will be imperial agents, or sympathisers for the Empire. Your every move will be judged, and we cannot afford you two being found out until Dak arrives with that intel. Nobody is going to suspect a teenage couple out on a date though, are they?" Hera reasoned. Ezra, meanwhile, had nothing at all to say on the matter, he knew very well that Hera was always right, and was quite happy himself with this particular mission.
"I...ugh...fine..." Sabine sighed, causing Ezra to fist bump in the air.
"Yes! Ahem, don't worry Hera, we'll act as professionals for the entire job. Everything will go as planned" Ezra exclaimed, quickly following up with a salute. Kanan rolled his eyes with a disbelieving grin, while Hera nodded her head.
"In that case, you'd better get ready. Both of you" the Twi-Lek stated, causing Ezra to jog back to the cabins, slowly followed by Sabine. Once the two teens had left the room, Kanan nudged Hera with his elbow and whispered quietly into her ear.
"I see what you're doing here" he said, causing her to smile sheepishly.
"If it works out, they'll both be much better for it" she answered, before walking back towards the cockpit. Kanan chuckled a little under his breath, trust Hera to set the two kids up with one another without either of them knowing that she'd planned it all.

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