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Set during season three (Before 'Trials of the Darksaber)

Summary – While taking a break from their usual rebellious activities, Ezra and Sabine engage in a tense prank war. As the pranks begin to become more and more intense, who will come out on top?

In Sabine's earliest days of being a spectre, back before Ezra had joined the Ghost family, the Mandalorian had found herself constantly uncomfortable. Being a former imperial cadet, nobody on the crew seemed to fully trust her, and Zeb in particular tried to avoid her if he could. She had never been the most social of people, but it still bothered her. Seeing this close family of rebels gather in the ship's galley, she would watch from the corridor and feel like an outcast. One day, she decided that it would change. She would make herself less closed off to try and become a proper member of this new family. It was a difficult task, trying to think of a way to accomplish this, but eventually she had a realisation. Pranks. The perfect light-hearted way to earn trust, and have a little fun on the way. In a single night; she managed to precisely shave Zeb's facial fur to give him drawn out whiskers, create a mural in temporary paint of Kanan and Hera kissing in the galley for everybody to see and paint a loth-cat on Chopper's underside right where he couldn't see to wash it off. The crew were shocked at first, having hardly spoken to Sabine outside of missions, but in seconds they began laughing out loud at the way she'd pranked their peers. That day, she sat and ate with the rest of the crew in the galley for the first of many times. Of course, she also spent the night washing off the mural of Kanan and Hera, but that's not the point.

Being the mischievous street-rat that he was in those days, when Ezra first joined the crew he had a similar idea. He committed a series of similar pranks on every member of the family, but he specifically missed out Sabine. The Mandalorian didn't know if it was because he was scared of her, or because he fancied her, but none of his mischievous activities seemed to involve her. Initially she was relieved, feeling as if he was just a nagging kid. But after a while, she found herself getting disappointed, like she was being left out again. And once again, she used pranks of her own to get back in on the action, though this time she focused only on Ezra. One night, shortly after Empire Day that year, she snuck into the padawan's cabin and stole one of his orange jumpsuits. The kid had several such jumpsuits, he wouldn't miss one, besides Sabine had an important purpose here. The next morning, Ezra awoke to find a bright pink jumpsuit hanging up next to his bed with the words "Signed – Sabine" emblazoned across it. Naturally, after that day Ezra no longer left her out of his mischief, and thus began the great prank war which still went on to this day.

Ezra crouched inside the air-vent, wincing a little as his back ached under the tight pressure of the narrow vent. He had grown quite a lot since his days of clambering through these vents as a street rat, but today he had no choice. He had to climb through these vents, this mission was too important to fail. The padawan stared down through a grate beneath him, trying to stay as silent as he could, even holding his breath so as not to make a sound. Below him was Sabine's cabin, within which the Mandalorian was currently sat on her bed drawing in a small sketchpad. Ezra was aware of how creepy he seemed, spying on his Mandalorian friend, but in truth his only motive was revenge. Just the other week he had been stood in the shower, enjoying a long soak to wash out the sands of Atollon, when suddenly the water turned ice cold. The only thing he heard as his muscles shivered in the freezing water was Sabine laughing loudly from outside. Now her day of reckoning would come, Ezra just had to wait. He sat there for several minutes, until finally Sabine placed her sketchpad nonchalantly on her bed and walked out of the cabin, sealing it behind her. With a mischievous grin, Ezra carefully lifted the grate up and placed it in the vent, silently dropping down into his friend's cabin. He glanced around with a smile, rubbing his hands together as he prepared his revenge. This prank would be simple, but would annoy Sabine no end. He planned to steal her sketchpad and hide it somewhere she would never find it. Sabine only ever used one pad at a time, she liked to use every inch of paper up before moving onto the next one. There were still some empty sheets in her current pad, so stealing it would drive her crazy for sure because she'd never start a new one. Ezra reached for the pad on her bed and took it into his hands, smiling villainously.
"Almost too easy" he whispered to himself in a satisfied manner, preparing to climb back up into the vent. But, as he stood there in the centre of Sabine's colourful cabin, he found himself overcome with curiosity. The Mandalorian showed no sign of coming back yet, so Ezra decided to sit down for a moment and open the sketchpad, curious of what she had been drawing recently. With a fond smile, he flicked through expert drawings of the Ghost crew, with all of the family stood in pride of place. But then he turned to a new page and found himself gasp in shock. This page showed a crude drawing of him seemingly being stunned with the caption "almost". At that moment, a small stun turret on the wall linked to a motion sensor suddenly activated, firing several shots at the unsuspecting Ezra. He quickly fell down onto Sabine's bed, paralysed by the electricity coursing through his veins. The last thing he saw before falling unconscious was Sabine grinning down at him.

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