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Set during season one (Directly after 'Fire Across the Galaxy')

Summary – To celebrate the success of rescuing Kanan, the crew of the Ghost organise a small party. Unfortunately, a certain member of the Ghost family gets a little too drunk for his own good...

No matter how hard he tried, Ezra just could not get rid of the massive grin that was plastered across his face. As he stood there, alone, in the centre of his cabin, he knew that he looked like an idiot with his dumb smile, but he couldn't help himself. In the last few days, he had; bartered for information with a dangerous criminal, rescued his master from the clutches of the Empire, engaged in a tense duel with the Grand Inquisitor and discovered that the crew that he'd come to love like a family was only one small cell in the makings of a wider rebellion. With every waking second, he would relive recent events, his heart beating just as fast as it had when he'd skilfully deflected the inquisitor's spinning blade. Okay...so maybe it hadn't been that skilful, but even the mere thought of it still sent adrenaline running through Ezra's veins. He supposed he looked like a little kid right now, getting excited over serious matters. If Hera could see him now she'd be lecturing him over how dangerous the entire mission had been. But after so many losses at the hands of the Empire, Ezra was just happy to score a win for once. The crew had really needed this, and now came the time to celebrate...

Obviously, being labelled fugitives by the Empire and forced to stay on the run with a band of so-called "insurgents" made gathering party supplies more than a little difficult. But somehow the crew managed, by working together as they always had. Hera had spent the last day baking a spectacular icing cake, showing off her talents as a cook in the little free time that she was granted as a rebel. Ezra had to forcefully stop himself from stealing a slice early before the party started, the temptation was great. He'd already had a joking lecture from Kanan about how temptation led to the dark side, all he wanted to do was eat a cake! In the meantime, Sabine had put her artistic side to good use, managing to craft together a series of colourful bunting which hung in pride of place in the corridors of the Ghost. The Mandalorian had lost sleep over creating her masterpieces, but knowing her she probably enjoyed it ten times more than getting a good night's rest. As it happened, the Ghost was already stocked with more than enough food and drinks to host a small party. And so finally, a full four days after Kanan's dramatic rescue, the party was ready to go. Hera had already taken the liberty of inviting Ahsoka to join them, but the Togruta had sadly declined, stating that she had duties to oversee with Commander Sato. So tonight, despite recently meeting all of these new rebels that they'd never even known about, it looked as if the party would be just between the family of the Ghost. Perhaps it was better that way, it would make it feel like a more emotional celebration.

Now, Ezra found himself once again stood alone in his cabin, this time debating what to wear for this little party. He'd been told to wear anything that wasn't scorched with laser holes, apparently there was no need for smart clothes between friends. But Ezra wanted to appear at least partially sophisticated, if only to help further his cause in the long-running campaign to win Sabine's heart. The padawan could hardly believe it a few days prior when Sabine had offered to patch up his facial scars instead of Hera, he could have sworn that his heart was beating out of his chest the whole time she'd been applying the bacta gel. Well tonight was the night, tonight he'd properly ask her out, not just flirt embarrassingly and walk away awkwardly. And as these very thoughts ran through his head, he picked out the perfect outfit from his limited wardrobe, holding it up with a gleeful grin. A black leather jacket with a yellow and black T-shirt underneath, accompanied by casual grey jeans. Surely this would be enough. Humming to himself, Ezra swiftly changed out of his usual outfit and pulled on the party clothes, already feeling a boost to his self-confidence as he stared at himself in the mirror. Yeah, tonight was the night...

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