A Rebel Wedding (Part Four)

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Set after Return of the Jedi:

Summary – In order to make his proposal all the more special, Ezra ventures out alone on board the Phantom into the outer reaches of the galaxy. (BF/GF)

It was early, very early, far earlier than Ezra would ever normally be awake. And on most days, waking up at this hour would result in nothing more than the Jedi grunting in frustration before going back to bed again. But not today. Today he had a purpose and, difficult as it was, he forced himself to wake. He had to be quiet so as not to wake Sabine as well. With a gentle and cautious movement, he lightly took hold of her arm and lifted it off of himself. It took nearly ten minutes for him to break free of her grip, but at last he managed to stand with a breath. For half a second, the Mandalorian stirred and he thought all of his effort had been for naught. But she soon settled down again, and Ezra allowed himself a silent sigh of relief. After such a close call, he chose not to wash and get dressed in their shared cabin, instead doing so in the Ghost's main bathroom. This was a room reserved for emergencies, as all of the dormitories had their own ensuite bathrooms attached. Today was hardly an emergency, but Ezra's plan did warrant stealth. Moving as quietly as he could, the Jedi swiftly changed out of his night clothes and stepped into the shower. In his current state of tiredness, he wanted nothing more than to sit in a warm bath for hours. No, this is for Sabine, he thought to himself, turning the shower knob to the left. He winced, his back shivering as a hundred ice cold water droplets fell over him. His teeth chattered, and goose bumps quickly formed on his arms, but he endured and quickly washed himself. Once he was out of the shower, he hurriedly dressed himself in his usual outfit, orange jerkin and brown trousers. He clipped his lightsaber hilt to his belt, briefly analysing himself in the mirror with a satisfied nod before walking out of the room. The Jedi almost screamed in surprise when Chopper stood right outside, having been waiting for him.
"Kriffing hell...why are you here?!" he whispered, his heart beating out of his chest. Chopper gave a series of accusing beeps, essentially asking Ezra the same question.
"I've got...an important mission to go on. Top secret...can't tell you anything about it. Just...do me a favour, when Hera wakes up, tell her I've taken the Phantom for a quick errand" the Jedi responded, tiptoeing towards the centre of the ship. Chopper gave another beep, somehow managing to sound confused with a monotonous sound.
"Why? Because we're crewmates you bucket of bolts...ugh...fine, if you tell Hera that I'm just going on a normal errand I'll...give you an oil bath..." Ezra conceded. Chopper seemed content with that, the droid had been pestering him to set up an oil bath for weeks now. Apparently, Chopper was so completely contaminated with dust that he could barely move. Ezra didn't see how that was possible considering he never did anything anyway. It didn't matter, Chopper slowly wheeled himself away and Ezra clambered up a ladder as quietly as possible, pulling himself up into the Phantom. The sound of the docking clamp being released along with the Phantom's engines starting up would probably wake the crew, but none of them could stop him now. He settled into the pilot's seat, rubbing his hands together with a grin. Free at last...

Ezra rested his head back against the seat, nonchalantly placing his feet up on the ship's dashboard as the blue hue of hyperspace filled the canopy. He'd never have been able to act like this when Hera was around, the Twi-Lek was scarily protective of her ships. But the Jedi had a long trip ahead of him so decided to relax a little. He was heading towards the Bith System in search of the artist Sabine had talked about so often, Janyor of Bith. But Bith was all the way in the Outer Rim, past Eriadu along the Rimma Trade Route. The Phantom was fast, with numerous modifications to make it faster courtesy of Hera, but still the journey would be long. Ezra hoped that if he could track down this artist, he could persuade him to paint a picture of Sabine herself. His girlfriend already had one of his original paintings, but a brand new one dedicated completely to her, that was a whole new level. Content that the Phantom could get him to his destination without needing to be watched, Ezra stood up and strolled into the passenger bay.
"Right...okay...several hours of this. What to do?" he questioned aloud. He'd been in such a rush to leave in the early hours of the morning, forgoing sleep for this crazy plan, but now he found himself bored. For a moment, he considered attempting to meditate, but right now his thoughts dwelled solely on Sabine. What if he couldn't find Janyor? What if Janyor refused to help? What if Sabine didn't like the painting? So many worries...he was certain he hadn't felt this stressed during the Battle of Lothal. In an attempt to calm himself down, Ezra produced a small holographic picture of Sabine and smiled fondly. He'd brought this photo for Janyor to use as a reference, provided he agreed to help of course. And despite Sabine technically being the cause of all of his newfound stress, her image alone was also enough to calm him down. It had been taken just last month at a victory celebration on Corellia. It showed her stunning red hair, and beautiful tan face. Ezra could never quite believe that she had said yes to a relationship with him, and that it was still strong today. He still loved her now to the same degree that he had the moment he'd met her, if not more...

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