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Set during season four (During 'Heroes of Mandalore')

Summary – Sabine undergoes an emotional experience alongside Ezra as he helps her to finally reunite and reconnect with her father after years apart... (BF/GF)

In the past day, many great and weighty events had taken place. It had begun as a simple rescue mission, the aim of which was to save Sabine's father from the clutches of the Empire. Battles were won, and lost, and the nightmares of her past returned once again to haunt the Mandalorian rebel. But with the help of her friends, and her family, she overcame these evils, destroying the weapon that she had unwittingly created so many years before. A number of brave Mandalorian freedom fighters had fallen to the Duchess during its demonstration, but by sheer luck alone, Sabine's family had avoided the blast. One might assume now that everything was resolve, but the whole experience had brought to light a stark realisation for Sabine; she could not lead the fight for Mandalore. Instead she left that mantle to Bo Katan, and her blood family, preparing to honour the vows she'd made to the Rebellion and once again fight alongside the Spectres. All that remained was the farewell, but that was the hardest part. How do you say goodbye to a family that you're terrified of losing but forced to leave? This very question was preventing Sabine from getting to sleep, no matter how hard she tried...

Sabine laid on her bunk, eyes wide open, with her hands behind her head, just staring up at the ceiling as if it would grant her answers. The crew were leaving for Yavin 4 in the morning, she'd have a few minutes to say her farewells and then she likely wouldn't see her family again in person for months, maybe years. She had worked so hard to rebuild the bonds she'd broken when escaping the imperial academy years ago, worked so hard to reconnect with her family. Maybe if there was no Empire, no all-consuming fight, then she'd stay on Mandalore forever. But that was a fantasy, real life was tough and unforgiving, it always had been. With a shake of her head, Sabine let out a long and exasperated sigh, realising in dismay that she wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. It was just one of those nights, it didn't matter how exhausted she was, her mind was just too active. Rubbing the dishevelled hair away from her eyes, she glanced over at a nearby clock, disheartened when she saw that it was almost three in the morning. She stood up with a stretch, and quickly got dressed into her armour, intending to take a walk outside of the Mandalorian camp and clear her thoughts. Little did she know, she was not the only one losing sleep that night...

The force works in mysterious ways, Ezra had lost count of how many times he'd been taught that. It was such a vague statement, used to describe any irregularity connected to the force, and in times gone by it had irritated the young Jedi. But he was a little older now, perhaps even a little more mature, and he understood that nothing was certain with the force. It was the oldest concept in the galaxy, studies for millennia by Jedi and Sith alike, and yet it was still almost completely a mystery. Tonight, though, the force had decided to keep Ezra from sleeping, giving him horrific visions that he could only hope weren't premonitions. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw a shining figure, cloaked in white light, standing against an army of shadow. He didn't know how, but he sensed that the figure was a Jedi, and for some reason he felt an emotional connection towards them, even though he couldn't discern their features, much less recognise them. And every time, the vision ended with the Jedi falling to an explosion. Ezra kept telling himself that it was the product of an over-active imagination, but in his gut he was sure that the force was trying to tell him something. Regardless, he too had found himself devoid of sleep, and had also walked out into the cool breeze of the Mandalorian night to take his mind off things. In no particular hurry, he strolled out away from the camp, ensuring that he would not wake anyone else up. And each step faded away as his mind wandered into thoughts of the vision once again.

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