A Rebel Wedding (Part Ten)

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Set after Return of the Jedi:

Summary – With all preparations made, the day finally comes for the wedding of Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren. (BF/GF)

A cool breeze blew through the Lothalian fields, and the sun shone high in the sky. Midday was fast approaching, and alongside it, the beginning of the wedding. It had been a fortnight since Ezra and Sabine had begun sending out invites, and absolutely everyone had turned up. Even now, the seats were filling up, but still Ezra kept to his promise, leaving two empty chairs in the front row. Sabine was aboard the Ghost along with her maid of honour, Hera, getting herself ready. In the meantime, Ezra was patrolling every aspect of the area, searching for anything out of place and promptly fixing it. He wanted this day to be perfect. At the side of the main aisle stood an enormous dining table, with dozens of chairs to boot. It seemed like a miracle, but somehow Zeb had managed to fit all of the food supplies that he'd bought atop the table. There were blumfruit muffins, and choclime twists. Tibanna splits and Ziziibbon truffles from the great Gab'borah Hise. But the crown jewel of this vast array of delectable treats was the wedding cake. A gigantic tower of sponge and filling, it stood on four tiers, each adorned with multi-coloured icing to account for the Mandalorian's passion for art. And on top of the uppermost level stood two small figures; the artist and the Jedi. Zeb stood on guard around the food table, ensuring nobody came to steal a bite before the feast. Although he found it increasingly difficult to do so when the smells of the Neuvian sundae kept wafting into his nose. He remained strong for Ezra, knowing that he'd be able to tuck in after a couple more hours. Kanan, meanwhile, stood in the passenger bay of the Phantom, getting dressed in his own tuxedo with the help of Ezra.
"Are you excited? This is your wedding day after all, hopefully a once in a lifetime experience" Kanan questioned as the two of them fumbled around with a bow tie.
"Yeah...but stressed is probably more accurate. I've been running around all morning putting out fires to try to make this day perfect for Sabine. I just hope she likes it all..." Ezra remarked in response; the exhaustion clear in his voice. 'Putting out fires' was not metaphorical, either, as earlier on in the day, one of the generators for the fairy lights had somehow blown up in the heat of the sun. Stressed was very much an understatement.
"Is she still marrying you?" Kanan asked enigmatically, causing Ezra to frown in confusion.
"Well...yes" the apprentice answered, not entirely sure where his master was going with this.
"Then I promise you this will be the best day of her life too. You sound exhausted, Ezra, but as long as you are there...Sabine will love it. You don't need to work yourself so hard" Kanan stated, placing a supportive hand on the boy's shoulder. Ezra gave a small chuckle.
"Isn't that a man's job on his wedding day? To be stressed?" he asked, causing Kanan to smile. He had been no different himself, after all.
"Yes...just do not stress yourself out too much. There's no need" the Jedi replied, walking out into the open sun with a perfect tuxedo. Ezra stood silently for a moment, alone with his thoughts. Of course, there's a need, this wedding will be perfect whether it wants to be or not, he vowed, before following in Kanan's footsteps, fully ready to confront whatever problem appeared next.

The apprentice walked outside, covering his eyes a little as the sun beamed down onto him. He glanced around at the clearing and allowed himself a little impressed nod. Ships were showing up from across space to come and watch, friends and allies from one corner of the galaxy to the other. Ezra couldn't remember the last time so many of his friends were in one place together, after today, it probably wouldn't happen again for a long time. But as he stared at the view around him, his attention was suddenly taken by a familiar voice behind him. Here comes trouble.
"Ezra, my boy! So good to see you! Alive and in one piece!" Hondo shouted, holding a small crate of credits under his arm for...some reason.
"You too, glad you could make it, Hondo" Ezra answered politely with a nod of his head.
"Ahaha...so courteous. I once knew a Jedi just like you...ah a story for another time. I have a gift for you, my friend!" the pirate replied, and instantly Ezra gave a suspicious look. He glanced down at the box of credits in Hondo's arm and shook his head.
"Thanks...but you don't need to pay us. We're just glad to have you here" the Jedi remarked, and for a moment Hondo looked confused. He followed Ezra's gaze and began laughing heartily.
"Oh I'm not giving you these! No no no, these are mine. I have something much better for you, want to hear the story?" he asked, still chuckling a little.
"Sure...why not?" Ezra answered with a sigh, preparing himself for another long and dubious tale.
"On one of my most recent hm...adventures, a very special prize fell into my possession. You see, my crew and I were tangling with the nefarious Red Key Raiders, very dangerous pirates. I engaged their leader in a duel of epic proportions...won of course. And then my crew and I searched their cargo bay and found this" Hondo began to explain, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a posh-looking piece of paper. Ezra took hold of it and gave a confused expression.
"What is it? I've never seen something like this" he questioned curiously.
"Ah, you wouldn't have, living on that hunk of junk you call a ship. I joke, I joke! These are the deeds to an estate on the outskirts of your Capital City here on Lothal. Whoever holds these documents has ownership of the Whitescar Estate...big house, my friend" the pirate elaborated. It took a few seconds for Ezra to put two and two together, but when he did, he turned to Hondo with a shocked expression.
"Wait a second...you're giving us a house?!" he asked almost a little too loudly.
"No, my friend, a mansion. Six or seven bedrooms, something like that. And it has acres of land. Well what do I need a house for? I don't want to settle down...and truth be told, I could not try selling it without getting the attention of the Red Key Raiders. So...there, you have it! From one hero to another..." Hondo explained, a smile on his face. Ezra stuttered for a moment, not quite knowing what to make of all of this. Hondo was the last person he'd expected a wedding gift from, and here he was giving him a house, free of charge!
"I-I can't accept this...it's too much...really" Ezra remarked. Every fibre of his being wanted to accept it, but his conscience stayed his hand.
"Nonsense! A rich crew is a loyal crew, that's what I always say! Not that you are a member of my crew but...you know what I mean. I should find my seat...and find Melch before he tucks into your banquet over there. Talk to you later, my friend!" the pirate answered, strolling away casually before Ezra could protest any further. The Jedi stood still for a moment in a state of shock as he started realising what this meant. Sabine had said she'd wanted a house where she could practice her art freely and settle down, but that was just a dream. Only...it wasn't, not anymore. With a smile, Ezra tucked the paper into his pocket, he could hardly wait to tell her. But before he could do anything else, a voice suddenly called out, silencing the chaos of the reception.
"Okay everyone! Find your positions! It's starting!" Kanan shouted, and Ezra took a breath. This was it, the moment he'd been waiting for. Finally, the wedding had arrived.

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