Light-years Apart

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Set in season three (After 'Trials of the Darksaber')

Summary – After Sabine's departure from the rebel crew in favour of her blood family, she and Ezra find themselves missing one another more than expected. The following communications were shared between the two during this time...

Holo-log (26/09/02 BBY, Primeday):

Ezra (20:11): Uh hey, hi. Is this thing working? Connection on Atollon is terrible.

Sabine (20:20): Oh hi Ez, yeah I got your message. You got back safely? That's good, I've just been settling here on Krownest, crazy being back here.

Ezra (20:21): Yeah I can imagine, how's your family treating you?

Sabine (20:23): My mother has treated me well ever since that fight with Saxon. Tristan...took a little more persuading, but I can almost pretend that nothing's changed now. I do miss you guys though.

Ezra (20:25): Good...if you didn't miss someone as awesome as me then there'd probably be something wrong with you.

Sabine (20:26): You can't see me right now, but for the record I'm rolling my eyes at you. How are the others doing?

Ezra (20:30): Not too bad. I think Zeb's probably taken it the worst, he didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you before you left. I'll give him your holo-net address tomorrow so expect some badly typed messages coming your way. I think the fur on a lasat's hand must stop him from using a keyboard properly.

Sabine (20:32): And how have you taken it?

Ezra (20:32): Uh fine, course I've been fine. I mean I miss you, but not in that way. Just in a normal, friendly sort of way.

Sabine (20:33): What do you mean by 'that way'?

Ezra (20:34): Uh, you know, THAT way. I just type and words come out, can we change the topic? How's the weather?

Sabine (20:40): Sorry Ez, I've got to go. Got some Mandalorian business to take care of, talk later?

Ezra (20:41): You bet, see ya.

Holo-log (28/09/02 BBY, Taungsday):

Sabine (19:17): Ezra? You there? Sorry I didn't get the chance to talk for a couple of days, it's just been constant tough training with my brother recently. When I'm not practicing a thousand ways to kill someone, I'm usually sleeping or painting. How have you been?

Ezra (19:20): Hey, yeah I'm good. Training? I thought we covered all of that with Kanan back here on Atollon.

Sabine (19:22): Sort of, I could only learn so much from Kanan in those couple of weeks though. He taught me Jedi patience, now I'm learning some new Mandalorian tricks. It's tough...I don't know how I've managed to get up in the morning for the past couple of days.

Ezra (19:24): Well I don't know a thing about fancy Mandalorian stuff, but training is difficult. Just don't burn yourself out with it all, don't want you hurting yourself with all this.

Sabine (19:25): I'm not a flower Ez! Though I did get a nasty bruise on my chest yesterday, actually hurts to laugh a little.

Ezra (19:26): Oh, guess I'll have to tone down my legendarily good jokes then.

Sabine (19:27): Ha! You? Good jokes? Now that's a good joke!

Ezra (19:29): You can't see me right now, but I'm inwardly crying.

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