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Set shortly before the season three premier:

Summary – After Malachor, Ezra finds himself spending more and more time with Sabine. The Jedi soon finds himself being roped into participation in a new art project...

With a deep breath, Ezra closed his eyes and crossed his legs, finding himself sat down in the centre of his cabin for today's meditation. By some fortune, Zeb was away today helping the members of Phoenix Squadron get themselves established on Atollon. That meant that Ezra had the cabin to himself, for once he might actually manage to meditate successfully. He continued taking deep and slow breaths, slowing his heart rate and clearing his mind. He'd found himself doing this a lot more lately, he wanted to think that it was part of an effort to grow into a better Jedi, but really it was just a way to escape the traumas of that life was dealing out right now. Between the loss of Ahsoka, and Kanan's life-changing injury, the Spectre crew were not short of pain and stress at the moment, and so Ezra would take any chance he could get to escape all of that, if even for a few hours. Meditation was one method, but there was one other activity that he'd been doing recently which calmed him down just as much, if not more. And that was spending time with Sabine.

In recent weeks, the Mandalorian and the Jedi had grown much closer. That's not to say that they weren't close anyway, but the traumatic events that they'd been through had a way of strengthening their bond. Sabine would spend time with him as he trained, teaching him a few physical combat moves that she'd been taught herself by her clan. Meanwhile, Ezra would often stay in her cabin and watch her paint, an act that would have been seen as unthinkable a year ago. He'd watched as she re-dyed her hair to a bright pink colour, providing encouragement and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, that had gotten her onto a new idea. Lately, the artist had set her sights on Ezra himself, curious of what he would look like with dyed hair. He knew he couldn't deflect her pleads forever, he just hoped he wouldn't end up with the same colours that she was currently sporting.

With a small sigh, Ezra opened his eyes and slowly pulled himself up from the floor. Once again his thoughts had drifted onto Sabine, rendering meditation impossible now. It used to annoy him a little, the fact that even the thought of his crush was enough to prevent his meditative attempts. Not anymore. Since one method of relaxation had been denied to him, Ezra decided to go and see if he could calm down another way. The Jedi quickly changed out of his normal combat outfit, wearing a loose orange T-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. That was better, his new workout regime was making him grow a little, and that old combat outfit was beginning to chafe now. Maybe it was time for a change of look. Ezra strolled out of his cabin door, sealing it behind him, before tentatively knocking on the cold metal door of Sabine's room.
"Who is it?!" she shouted over the noise of some music that she had playing.
"Your soulmate!" Ezra shouted back in a joking tone, he could just picture her rolling her eyes now. A few moments passed, and Ezra heard the music get turned down in volume before the door opened with a hiss, revealing a Mandalorian who was absolutely lathered in paint.
"What...what the kriff?" the Jedi asked slowly, at this point Sabine was basically a painting herself.
"Huh?" she asked, before looking down at her overalls "oh yeah...been painting, wanna see?"
"Sure" Ezra answered, politely closing the cabin door behind him. He knew how serious Sabine was about her privacy. He followed the Mandalorian's gaze up to the roof of her cabin, where a beautiful work-in-progress stared down at him. It was a huge portrait of the entire crew, posed together happily. Surprisingly she'd drawn Kanan with his new mask on, all of her recent paintings had shown him as he was before, well before Malachor. Perhaps she was finally beginning to come to terms with recent traumas.
"It's...amazing..." Ezra exclaimed slowly in awe, his eyes examining and absorbing every last detail of his friend's latest masterpiece.
"Heh...it's not that good...still need to finalise the colours...not sure I've quite got the shade of orange on your jumpsuit right...hmm maybe if I-" Sabine said to herself thoughtfully, Ezra quickly interrupted her by placing his hands on her shoulders.
"Sabine...it's awesome...it's like I'm looking in a mirror...don't put yourself down" he said, causing her to avoid his gaze a little.
"Thanks Ez" she murmured back, and slowly they separated.
"Anytime...though maybe you should take a break...you look and smell like a painting" the Jedi responded with a smile, earning a chuckle and a light punch on the arm from Sabine. The Mandalorian glanced down at her filthy overalls and nodded her head slowly.
"I guess you're right...I should probably change" she admitted, carefully placing her beloved spray can on a nearby table.
"Oh...uh...should I...?" Ezra stuttered as Sabine began unzipping the overall.
"Relax Ezra, I've still got my bodysuit on under this. I'll change properly in my bathroom" the artist replied, stepping out of the mucky clothes and throwing them across the room onto a pile of laundry in the corner.
"Right...yeah...of course" Ezra stuttered, coughing a little.
"Now where'd I leave my...? Ah, here it is" Sabine muttered to herself, tiptoeing across the room in her bodysuit and collecting different pieces of clothing as she went. Ezra awkwardly looked to the side as she bent down in front of him to pick up a pair of shorts that she'd left on the floor at some point. Suffice it to say that Sabine wasn't the most...organised of people. Hera had given up nagging her about it.
"Right...I'll just be a minute" the Mandalorian said, scooping the clothes in her hand and walking towards the bathroom.
"Yeah...alright...I'll just...wait here" Ezra coughed, slowly sitting down on her bunk. Sabine sealed the bathroom door behind her and the Jedi sighed. Smooth Ezra, real smooth he thought to himself.

The Artist and the Jedi - Sabezra OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now