This Crazy Love (Part Two)

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Set during season two.

Summary – Hera and Kanan, mostly Hera, begin to notice the growing bond between Ezra and Sabine and try their best to counsel the teens on how to deal with these new feelings...

It had been just over a fortnight since Ezra acquired the protest painting for Sabine, and since then the two had spent an inordinate amount of time together. Their similar ages had always made them closer to one another than other members of the crew, but now nearly every waking hour when they weren't on a mission was spent together. Ezra was readily invited into her cabin, where they would sit and talk for hours about their interests, sharing gossip and generally just relaxing. Hera was shocked one morning in particular; she came to open Sabine's cabin to remind the Mandalorian that they had to fix the Ghost's landing gear that day, and to her surprise found Ezra asleep on Sabine's bunk. Sabine quickly walked over and explained that they'd fallen asleep while talking and she hadn't wanted to disturb him when she woke up before him. Hera had smiled at that, the Mandalorian would never have been that considerate before. Those two were definitely growing closer, and personally Hera wanted to help. There was far too much misery in the galaxy to stop young love blossoming, but unfortunately it seemed that both of the teens were far too shy to broach the subject to one another. Not too worry though, the Twi-Lek had a plan, and she needed to enlist the help of her own Jedi to get it done.

She found him in the ship's cargo bay, busily organising supply crates with a focused look on his face. Hera slowly approached, though he didn't seem to notice her, the Jedi was too busy with his current task.
" food supplies go over here. Right, and ammunition goes...over there? Damn it, Hera...why does it your organisational system have to be so complicated?" Kanan muttered to himself under his breath, completely oblivious to the Twi-Lek standing right behind him.
"Problem?" Hera questioned, folding her arms with a knowing smile on her face.
"H-Hera? Hey...I was just commenting on how...amazing it is to organise all of our supplies, great idea of yours" the Jedi stuttered in response, sighing in defeat shortly afterwards.
"Mhm...listen love, we need to talk" Hera said, gently dragging Kanan off to the side.
"Oh force...nothing good ever comes after those words" Kanan replied in low voice. Hera rolled her eyes.
"Take a look outside, laserbrain. What do you see?" the Twi-Lek questioned. Kanan frowned, staring out of the open cargo bay into the expansive fields of Lothal. The grey grass blew gently in the breeze, and in the distance several loth-cats could be seen stretched out in the midday sun. But that probably wasn't what Hera was talking about. Instead, she was no doubt referring to Ezra and Sabine, who were stood out in a nearby clearing, engaging in a joke fight using stun guns. In the distance, Kanan saw Ezra get knocked down by one of Sabine's shots, and observed as the Mandalorian giggled in victory.
"I don't know...the kids enjoying themselves, training for the next fight?" Kanan replied, shrugging his shoulders with a blank look.
"Ugh...Karrabast Kanan, you may be a Jedi with mystical force powers but you really are blind when it comes to the things right in front of you. They're in love!" Hera explained, shaking her head at the Jedi's incompetence. Kanan raised an eyelid, not quite believing Hera's story.
"Really? I don't see it...they're just having a bit of fun, that's all" he countered, glancing outside once again to see Ezra and Sabine both collapse into the fields as they began mock physical fighting.
"Oh please...they're spending every waking hour with one another. They always laugh and joke around one another, Sabine even lets him into her cabin all of the time...when was the last time you saw Sabine willingly let anybody into her cabin?" Hera argued. Kanan thought silently for a moment, before slowly nodding his head.
"I suppose...I guess now would be a good time to tell Ezra about the Jedi code" he responded, and Hera's eyes quickly flared up with anger.
"Don't you dare...that's a stupid clause in the code, and you don't follow it anyway" she said harshly, not wanting to see a relationship ruined by a defeated religion.
"It doesn't matter...I chose not to follow that clause after knowing what it entailed. Ezra doesn't know about it, I have to tell him and let him make his own decision. Don't worry, I'm not about to force him into following it, I just want him to know that it exists" Kanan explained, and Hera's face softened in understanding.
"Fair enough...if you're going to tell Ezra that you've noticed his feelings for Sabine, I should probably do the same for her. Whatever happens, we can't mess this up" she stated, and Kanan nodded with a deep sigh.
"May the force be with us both" the Jedi said dramatically, walking away to prepare himself for the conversation that would follow.

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