A Rebel Wedding (Part Five)

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Set after Return of the Jedi:

Summary – After successfully commissioning Janyor of Bith to make a personal painting for Sabine, Ezra turns to another essential task in any proposal, finding a ring... (BF/GF)

Bith's capital city, Weogar, was split into four distinct quadrants. First, there was the residential section, where the city's inhabitants lived stacked atop one another inside enormous apartment blocks. Families would share single rooms between up to six individuals, and these living conditions were often damp and uncomfortable. Then there was the banking district, made up of posher looking towers which housed the upper one percent of the population. Thirdly, there was the government area of the city, comprised of a large compound of different buildings, including the tower where Janyor worked. And finally, there was the culture district, which contained the city's main marketplace as well as the famous Purghom Musical Performance Hall. Ezra suspected that if he was ever to bring Sabine here for a visit, then she would like the latter of those places best. While waiting for Janyor to complete his painting, Ezra found himself walking through Weogar's streets on a new mission. A key aspect of any good proposal was an engagement ring, and Ezra wanted only the very best for Sabine. The city streets of the city were filled with smog and smoke, and an array of varying smells from street vendors wafted into the Jedi's nose. He glanced to his left and noticed a series of live tentacles wriggling inside a pot of stew, grimacing before moving swiftly on. Food was clearly very...different on this planet.
"Jogan fruit! Fresh Jogan fruit for sale!" a voice shouted over the fray, catching Ezra's attention. He followed the noise to its source, his eyes landing on a human male a few years older than himself.
"I didn't know Jogan fruit grew here" Ezra remarked on approach, his stomach subtly growling for food.
"Because it doesn't...nothing grows here, well nothing you and I can eat anyway. I import the fruit, and ever since the New Republic began protecting the space lanes from pirates, trade's been on the rise. Are you wanting to buy?" the trader answered, a friendly smile forming beneath his white moustache. He reminded Ezra a lot of Morad Sumar, a thought which only served to make the Jedi frown in sorrow.
"Sure...I'll take one thanks. Here are the creds" he replied, plucking a Jogan from a basket and studying it. Having spent so long fighting on the front lines during the Galactic Civil War, it had been some time since Ezra had last tasted a Jogan. He bit into the purple fruit, a fond smile appearing on his face as he tasted its juices. Just like the fruit cakes Hera used to make, he thought to himself, bidding the trader a friendly nod in farewell. As he moved further through the market, Ezra caught sight of a stand which piqued his curiosity and walked towards it with interest.

A row of ornamental rings sat next to one another inside a secure glass display case. Necklaces with a dozen jewels adorning them hung from busts nearby, and a selection of silver and gold bracelets sat nearby. But it was the rings that interested Ezra. Hopefully, Sabine would say yes to marrying him regardless of which trinket he proposed with because she loved him, but he still wanted to make the moment special. She was an artist, someone who got through a dozen sketchpads in a year and didn't leave a blank space. Her ring had to be something unique. Stroking his chin in thought, Ezra closely examined each specimen, trying not to gasp aloud at the prices. Who bought these things? Kings?
"All forged locally...we're the only traditional blacksmith that still exists in the city. You won't find a finer ring" a voice called, snapping Ezra back into reality. He looked up to see a Bith staring at him from behind the counter, adorned in several of his own wares and making himself look rich.
"To be honest...I don't know what I'm looking for" Ezra admitted with a slight grimace. He'd never actually bought Sabine jewellery before, and on any other occasion she'd hit him for doing so. A blaster would be more useful to shoot you, laserbrain, he heard her in his head. Yet this time it was mandatory, he had to buy her a ring and it had to be one she'd like.
"You're searching for an engagement ring, yes? Describe the girl, I have sold many rings to many people, I can help" the Bith answered, no doubt he would recommend his most expensive product. Still, Ezra nodded his head, getting ready to describe Sabine.
"She's...Mandalorian. She's fierce and beautiful, tough but sensitive. And she's super caring, but she doesn't like people to know. She's an artist...and a rebel. Best girl in the galaxy..." he described with a fond smile, staring into the distance.
"And no doubt deserving of the best ring in the galaxy? Hm...I think I might have something. It's out near the forge...follow me" the Bith stated, leading Ezra around the back of the shop. Away from the din of the street, the jeweller's sophisticated storefront morphed into a hot and sweltering forge. An apprentice worked busily over an anvil, paying no attention whatsoever to Ezra, while the jeweller carefully picked up a small velvet box nearby and opened it.
"This is called a peace ring...a select few were commissioned after the Galactic Empire was overthrown. It is made of metals from every single world which actively opposed the imperials...hundreds of metals moulded together. Truly exquisite..." the jeweller explained, gently passing it to Ezra. The Jedi held the box in his hands, silently staring at the ring in awe. It had a normal silver arch, but the gemstone in the centre shone in every colour of the rainbow, and from every angle seemed to look completely different. For someone was changeable as Sabine, it seemed the perfect ring.
"Why was it made? I'm guessing you didn't originally plan to sell it to just anyone...who was it made for?" Ezra questioned. The Bith had said that the peace rings had been commissioned, so someone obviously ordered their creation.
"General Luke Skywalker. He ordered their creation for himself and his close friends. And he commanded a spare to be crafted for a family member he said, 'had been lost for a long time'. Force knows what he meant, but the ring fell into my hands through a long line of traders after Skywalker had no need of it anymore. I was planning to keep it in my private collection...but the way you described your love. It would be nice to think someone is finding joy from it" the Bith explained, and with each new sentence, the story became more and more unbelievable. Luke Skywalker, hero of the Rebellion, had personally ordered the creation of these rings. And now the spare had fallen into Ezra's hands...his luck was off the charts today.
"This will be perfect...uh...how much do I owe you?" the Jedi questioned, giving voice to a concern he had harboured since stepping foot into this shop. The Bith smiled mysteriously.
"Don't think I do not know who you are...Ezra Bridger. And the girl you describe, Sabine Wren, it must be. The two of you have become quite famous...you're heroes, to us all. A merchant must make profit, but I personally would gain the profit of an easy mind if I knew I had done a little something to thank a hero for his service. You may take the ring free of charge, with my compliments" he answered with a polite nod. Ezra could not believe his ears. First, he had gotten the painting for free from Janyor, and now the ring for free from this random jeweller, all because of his heroics during the war. Considering this planet looked like an irradiated dirt pile, the people here were all incredibly kind. A quality Ezra hoped he too possessed. He gave a final farewell to the jeweller, before moving back out into the busy Weogar street.

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