This Crazy Love (Part One)

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Set during season two.

Summary – A thoughtful gift from Ezra begins to make Sabine rethink her thoughts on a relationship with him, meanwhile Ezra finds it more and difficult to hide his feelings from her, despite previously pledging to stop his awkward flirting...

A simple supply run to the nearby market. In times gone by, this would be an easy task, not even eligible to be labelled a 'mission.' But those times were gone. Nowadays, the spectres were part of a wider rebellion, members of a rebel cell known as Phoenix Squadron. And that membership put a high price on all of their heads in the eyes of the Empire. Of course, they had always been branded terrorists and insurrectionists, but now the imperials were willing to utilise far more resources to take them down. For instance, just last week, Ezra and Sabine and found themselves captured by not one but two inquisitors. It was only the ingenuity of Zeb, surprisingly, that saved them. And now there was a whole new problem.

Ezra paced down the tight streets of Capital City, gazing at the Lothalian market while glancing down at the list of supplies that Hera had given him to acquire. As a joke, he saw that she'd written 'meiloorun' at the bottom, and the padawan simply rolled his eyes in response. Other items on the agenda included basic food supplies, star-ship fuel which he had retrieved from Old Jho and finally a new set of paints for Sabine. The Mandalorian, while usually keeping to herself, had admitted to having trouble sleeping recently after that run-in with the inquisitors. Ezra had personally decided to buy her some new paints, not being ordered to by Hera. He thought they might cheer her up, take her mind off the stresses of being in the rebellion. But there was a problem.
"Hera? Sorry...spectre two? What do you mean by food supplies? Do you mean chocolate for Zeb? Pancakes for you? What do you want me to pick up?" the padawan asked over the comms, a little frustrated by the vagueness of the list he'd been given.
"Spectre're supposed to keep this channel clear" Hera chastised in response.
"Yeah...okay...maybe next time write the list a little clearer. Look, just tell me what to pick up and then I can get on with it" Ezra replied, he heard a sigh over the comms.
"Basic food supplies. The usual crate from the usual place...nothing special, any more questions?" Hera explained in a quiet tone.
"The usual it. See ya" Ezra exclaimed, deactivating his comlink. As it was clear to see, he had not yet grown used to the military etiquette that seemed to come so easily to Hera. He himself preferred to keep things casual, they were a family after all. The food could wait for now, first he had some personal business to take care of.

Under the iron grip of the Empire, and with individual merchants suffering as a result, it was surprising to see a small crafts store still in business in Capital City. But there it stood, near the entrance to an alleyway, hidden out of the way behind imperial propaganda holograms. Ezra pushed past, pushing the creaking door open and walking into a darkened shop. He glanced around, and noticed an elderly store clerk stood nearby.
"Ah...h-hello...sorry about the lighting...can't afford the electricity these days" he explained, laughing a little afterwards. Ezra smiled in response.
"Hi...I'm looking for some paints, I'm guessing you're the place to come" he asked, causing the clerk to stand up and slowly shuffle towards him.
"Y-yes...we stock Lothal's greatest selection...of paints, classical and new. Wh-what specifically are you looking for?" the clerk questioned with a stutter, causing Ezra to shrug his shoulders sheepishly.
"In all honesty, I'm not so sure. It's for a friend, I'm afraid I'm no artist. What would you recommend for an artistic Mandalorian? It's supposed to help her take her mind off...things" the padawan said. The clerk stood there for a moment, deep in thought, before smiling with a revelation.
"Mandalorian you say? Interesting...most Mandalorians prefer to express their artistic side in killing, rather than painting. Though perhaps a more personal gift to...your friend, would be an actual painting by an artist she likes. It just so happens that I have an original piece in store right of the early propaganda paintings speaking out against the Empire...painted by Janyor of Biff. Perhaps this could interest your friend" he suggested, causing Ezra to nod in agreement.
"She's mentioned Janyor before, I remember...she uh she said he was an influence for her" Ezra replied. The store clerk nodded his head, and shuffled behind the counter, looking through an array of messily organised paintings. He muttered to himself as he searched, until finally retrieving a large canvas and passing it to Ezra. The padawan couldn't hold back a gasp, the painting truly was a work of art, a stylistic mix of graffiti and classical which perfectly encapsulated the fight against the Empire. Sabine would love it.
"This is perfect. My friend will love it" he exclaimed, causing the clerk to smile a little.
"Glad to be of assistance, now about the price. This is an original piece, so I must ask no less than ten thousand credits for it" the clerk stated casually, causing Ezra to gasp audibly in shock.
"T-ten thousand?! For some painted paper?! I-I'm not sure I can afford that..." he stuttered, carefully placing the painting on the floor as he realised its worth.
"Then I'm sorry...but your friend will have to without. It's a harsh galaxy...we all have to make a profit somehow" the clerk said, taking the painting back. Ezra pulled a sorrowful look, he knew this would be the perfect gift but it was a thousand times more than he thought it would be.
"I guess that's it then...thanks anyway" he said, trudging out of the store. Perhaps he'd find a different gift somewhere else, still it wouldn't be nearly as good as the painting.

The Artist and the Jedi - Sabezra OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now