The Argument

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Set during season three (Before 'trials of the darksaber')

Summary – Experiencing some troubles in their relationship, Ezra and Sabine find themselves constantly bickering. As their arguments intensify, will the Mandalorian and the Jedi find a way to make peace? (BF/GF)

Brief note – From this chapter onwards, if (BF/GF) is shown after the summary then it means that Ezra and Sabine are already in a relationship for that particular one-shot.

Credit to VodkaComrad for this idea.

One would think that while on a high-stakes mission deep in the heart of imperial territory, the crew of the Ghost would have to work in perfect harmony. One would think that any arguments and little grudges between the members of this unique family would be post-phoned while they escape to safety. One would be wrong.
"You know this is all your fault" Sabine commented in a somewhat bitter tone, crouching in the mud like some sort of animal. Nearby, Ezra turned to her, a look of surprise on his face.
"My fault?!" the apprentice questioned indignantly, the frustration clear in his voice. Zeb glanced between the pair of them, rolling his eyes with a sigh. Here we go again, the Lasat thought to himself. For the past three weeks now, the only time Ezra and Sabine would speak to one another would be with raised voices. Zeb didn't know why, not that he usually paid too much attention to these things, but he had certainly noticed the constant arguing recently. He had learnt not to try to break it up by now, Kanan attempted that a week ago and Sabine hadn't spoken to him since. In times like this, it was best just to stay silent and let the conversation play out.
"Well who else's fault could it be?! 'Ooh Hondo's got another tipoff for us guys, let's go check it out because he's never betrayed us before'. And now look!" Sabine stated, impersonating Ezra and making him seem like some sort of idiot. The apprentice gave her a sharp glare, after weeks of this he was starting to get more than a little fed up.
"Yes, he betrayed us again. Sorry for actually trying to look out for the rebellion...when was the last time you stuck your neck out on the line and tried to find something?" he asked in an accusing tone. Sabine's eyes widened and Zeb gave a slightly scared expression. Now you've done it, kid, he thought to himself. The Lasat subtly moved to cover his ears in preparation for the incoming fireworks.
"Seriously?! Just last week I went undercover in an imperial flight academy and helped two brilliant new pilots to join the rebellion!" Sabine answered loudly.
"Yeah but that wasn't really your mission, was it? That was a tipoff from is that any different from this?" Ezra questioned, waving his arms about in some effort to prove his point.
"Oh, I don't know, because my mission was actually successful! Yours has gone to hell!" the Mandalorian countered.
"One of your pilots got blown up! You almost got yourself killed! How is that successful?!" Ezra argued. All of a sudden, Sabine stood up and marched towards him. The fury of a Mandalorian was clear in her face, and had Zeb not intervened, she would likely have shown off her martial arts skills there and then.
"Guys, can you quieten down? The imperials are patrolling this sector" the Lasat said softly, trying not to anger either of his youthful friends. Sabine turned to him sharply, but then took a breath and nodded, quickly calming down. Ezra let out a subtle sigh of relief, and turned to look behind him. The three of them were currently holed up in a small security checkpoint on the outskirts of a factory complex. The guards in this area had been...dealt with, but imperial patrols were large and frequent. As Sabine had so eloquently put earlier, Hondo's tipoff had either been a complete lie, or the salvage was already gone because there was no loot worth taking here. Now the rebels were forced to play the waiting game, holding back until they found a long enough gap in the patrols to escape.
"Alright, Zeb. Have you got an escape plan in mind?" Ezra asked quietly, causing Sabine to roll her eyes in annoyance.
"Of course you don't ask me" the Mandalorian muttered in response. Zeb ignored her, not wanting to provoke yet another conflict.
"Look over there, there's an imperial transport getting ready to leave the compound. We can cling to the side of it, on its cameras' blind spots, and get far away enough from that factory for a pickup from Hera" the Lasat suggested, pointing at an Ubrikkian troop transport that was currently being loaded nearby. Ezra stared down the macrobinoculars and nodded his head in agreement.
"Sounds like a plan, let's get it done" he commented, placing the binoculars back in his satchel. And get it done they did. For the rest of the mission, the next twenty minutes, they worked like clockwork. Wordlessly, they clung to the side of the transport, completely undetectable to the imperials inside. Once they were far enough away from the factory, they nodded at one another and leapt off, jogging away from the path and into the thick pine forests that surrounded the factory. They soon found a clearing large enough for the Ghost, and within half an hour they had escaped the planet's surface as the ship zoomed back up out of the atmosphere, unseen.

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